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Sabahans in peninsula told: Be the best unity example
Published on: Saturday, May 11, 2024
By: Marutin Ansiung
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Sabahans in peninsula told: Be the best unity example
Ellron (third from right) with Yeoh (third from left) and Severinus (second from right) at the consert.
PUTRAJAYA: The Sugandoi Kaamatan is one of the events that is looked forward to every time the Kaamatan Festival is held not only by the Kadazan, Dusun, Murut and Rungus (KDMR) but also all races.

Sabah Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Ellron Angin said this clearly proves that differences and cultural diversity are not obstacles in increasing the spirit of unity and family among the community.

“Each verse of a song’s lyrics, even if sung in various languages ​​or native dialects, does not stop us from trying to understand the customs and culture of each ethnic group in our country,” he said.


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