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Public also have cleanliness role: TAED on rubbish in area under its care
Published on: Saturday, May 11, 2024
By: Wu Vui Tek
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Public also have cleanliness role: TAED on rubbish in area under its care
Backhoe sand rake making beach cleaning faster and more efficient.
Kota Kinabalu: Tanjung Aru Eco Development Sdn Bhd (TAEDSB) General Manager Datuk Jake Jikulin Nointin said cleanliness is everyone’s responsibility and not just the authorities.  

“This includes the cleanliness of Tanjung Aru beach one, two and three, which are under the responsibility of TAEDSB,” he said.

He insisted TAEDSB has been doing a good job maintaining the cleanliness of the beach all year round.

“It’s just that the monsoon season makes the job harder due to manpower issue.” 

He was responding to a viral video clip on social media blaming Kota Kinabalu City Hall for not keeping the beach clean.

“The monsoon season, which occurs around April to May each year, is notorious for bringing in the floating rubbish from the city due to stronger waves and high tides,” he said.

“Nonetheless, we are taking responsibility for all aspects of the beach maintenance that have been entrusted to us without excuses. 

“To ensure that the beach is clean and safe for everyone, we have acquired a backhoe sand rake to make the process of collecting rubbish and wooden splinters more efficient,” added Jake.

The backhoe sand rake will begin operating at 9am to ensure that the beach will be clean for the public to enjoy later in the afternoon and evening time. 

TAEDSB will continue to use the backhoe sand rake service as long as needed.

Jake expressed regret that certain irresponsible parties would spread rumours about government authorities like the City Hall who are just here to do their job and have done them well thus far.

“Cleanliness is everyone’s responsibility. If people were more conscientious about disposing their rubbish, there would be fewer issues,” he said.

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