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Rare toad rediscovered in Mesilau
Published on: Friday, May 10, 2024
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Rare toad rediscovered in Mesilau
Kota Kinabalu:  A toad species thought to be extinct following the 2015 earthquake has been rediscovered by a team of researchers from University Malaysia Sabah and Sabah Parks. 

The researchers from the UMS’ Institute of Tropical Biology and Conservation (ITBC) and Parks found the critically endangered Mesilau Stream Toad (Ansonia guibei) (pic) on Mount Kinabalu in late 2023. 

It is believed that the earthquake caused massive damage to the species’ habitat and, thus, a significant decline in the population and potential extinction. 

A survey in 2017 at Mesilau failed to locate any specimens which resulted in it being listed as Critically Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), said Assoc. Prof. Evan Quah, who led the team.

They found a single subadult specimen of the toad and tadpoles in the Mesilau River and Tibabar Stream in September 2023.

“These findings are extremely encouraging as it indicates the species survives and is also breeding,” said Evan, adding more data is being gathered.

The toad has an extremely restricted range and is confined only to the Mesilau watershed on Mount Kinabalu which makes it vulnerable to any extensive changes in the environment.

Landslides still frequently occur at the cliff faces exposed after the earthquake, especially during the rainy season. Runoff and siltation from the landslides affect the water quality of the waterways where the toads breed. 

Like other montane endemics, the toad also faces the ever-present threat of climate change.

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