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Women will continue to be empowered: James
Published on: Monday, May 06, 2024
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Women will continue to be empowered: James
Those present in a group photo with Flovia.
Kota Kinabalu: Women in Sabah will continue to be empowered through various development programmes.

State Minister of Community Development and People’s Wellbeing Datuk James Ratib said the woman workforce is an asset that can contribute to the development of a country.

“The June 2023 Malaysian Labour Force Statistics Report by the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), shows that the country’s female labour force participation rate is currently at 56.3 percent, far different from men’s 82.9 per cent.

“Looking at the data and the situation, the improvement and involvement of women is very necessary to move forward,” he said.

James said this at the Sabah Women’s Affairs Department (JHEWA) and the Sabah Women’s Advisory Council (MPWS) 2024 Aidilfitri Rahmah Mesra recently.

The text of his speech was read by the Assistant Minister of Community Development and People’s Welfare, Datuk Flovia Ng.

James also stated that the Ministry of Community Development and People’s Welfare (KPMKR) through JHEWA and MPWS will always plan and implement development programs to ensure that women in Sabah do not fall behind in the current of development and progress.

“Everything that is done for the development of women will achieve its goals faster through close cooperation among strategic partners such as government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the media that channel information on programs and services of government agencies.

“The Ministry strongly encourages collaborative programs with external agencies and NGOs because they can further empower communities whether in the city or the countryside.

“At the same time, it can help to contribute ideas and opinions in the process of solving issues as well as planning an action plan that should be given focus to ensure that all aspects related to women’s empowerment in Sabah are taken into account,” he said.

Also present were MPWS Chairman, Datuk Tarsiah Taman and JHEWA Director, Haslina Ismail.

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