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DBKK keeping tabs on ‘dumped’ used tyres in Inanam
Published on: Tuesday, March 12, 2024
By: Sidney Skinner
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DBKK keeping tabs on ‘dumped’ used tyres in Inanam
City Hall personnel take a closer look at the fluids which have collected in the oversized tyre at HSK.
CITY HALL is keeping an eye on an Inanam commercial centre to ensure that used tyres are not haphazardly thrown in the common areas here.

A spokeswoman for the agency’s Environmental Health Department (EHD) said the presence of these unwanted items was liable to have a negative impact on the well-being of the public at this location. 

“The tyres could trigger potential dengue outbreaks as any rainwater collecting inside could become a breeding ground for Aedes mosquitoes,” she said.

As such, City Hall had been instructing its rate-payers to refrain from re-purposing tyres as make-shift planters or using them to hold their rubbish bins in place, according to her.

Solid Waste Management staff put their back into cleaning the drain behind the bin centre for the Industrial Estate.

She said the agency also frowned on the use of these items to block-off parking spaces on road-shoulders.

Failure to comply might see the offenders facing court action under the Local Government Ordinance 1961 (Amendment 2000), according to her.

“If the magistrate finds them guilty, they could have to settle a fine for as much as RM1,000.

“Alternatively, the wrongdoers may have to spend up to six months behind bars for creating a breeding ground for mosquitoes which could become a public nuisance.”

The spokeswoman said an inordinate number of used tyres were observed around the HSK Industrial Centre at Mile 7 ½ Jalan Tuaran earlier this month.

As many as 40 of these items were spotted in places, according to her, with EHD staff also noting the presence of many tyre shops at the property.

“The proprietors of these establishments informed our personnel that the used tyres were cleared daily,” she said.

“Larviciding was carried out on the fluid trapped inside at a gigantic tyre, after one of the Department’s senior officers expressed concerns that mosquitoes could have formed a habitat here.”

Enforcement officers removing the buntings put up by money lenders from around the property.

The oversized tyre had apparently been lying on its side against some containers which had been parked along a road at the commercial centre, according to her.

“A notice regarding the nuisance related to a potential mosquito breeding ground was issued to one shop-operator.”

“A follow-up check will be made at a later date to determine if the problem involving the tyres still persists. Further action will be taken if this is so.”

She said EHD staff had been participating in a unified operation to clean up the Industrial Centre, as well as to get the grounds in a more orderly state.

A 39-man strong team was involved with the exercise which also included members of City Hall’s Enforcement, Traffic and Transport, Engineering, Complaints and

Public Relations, Building Control, Landscaping and Solid Waste Management Departments. 

Representatives from the government concessionaire were also in attendance.

The spokeswoman said the agency’s Enforcement officers recorded the details of 10 cars which had been abandoned at one section of the property.

“They will be enlisting the assistance of the Road Transport Department to try and identify the owners who will be notified to remove their vehicles from the grounds.”

During the clean-up operation, she said, Enforcement personnel also took down several buntings for money lending companies which were hanging in places around the Industrial Centre.

“They also issued a compound to a one shop-owner.”

She declined to specify the amount of the penalty but said those who contravened City Hall’s Anti-Litter By-Laws 1984 (Amendment 2005) could be served with a compound for as much as RM500. 

In extreme cases, the offenders could wind up in court, according to her.

“If found guilty, they face the possibility of being slapped with a fine for as much as RM10,000.” 

When it came to getting the common area around HSK in order, the spokeswoman said action was taken to check on the manholes and drains, as well as any illegal extensions which had been made to the units.

“Our Solid Waste Management staff cleared a section of the drain behind the bin centre for the property, while workers with our sewage contractor unclogged the pipes beneath some of the manholes here.”

She said the latter managed to remove enough congealed grease to fill two plastic bags.

In the case of the cleanliness of food premises at the Industrial Centre, she said EHD personnel checked on the condition of the toilets and grease-traps at eateries there.

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