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Govt considering central whistleblower protection agency
Published on: Monday, March 04, 2024
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Govt considering central whistleblower protection agency
Deputy law and institutional reform minister M Kula Segaran said amendments to the law will establish clear lines of communication and responsibility among enforcement agencies. (Bernama pic)
Kuala Lumpur: The government is proposing to set up a centralised agency for receiving complaints and providing protection to informants under the Whistleblower Protection Act 2010, deputy law and institutional reform minister M Kula Segaran said.

He said the proposed amendments to the Act would enable exclusive and effective protection of informants, Bernama reported.

“This will further create a neutral, more transparent and unbiased environment in handling complaints of misconduct from informants,” he said during the question-and-answer session in the Dewan Rakyat today in response to Ramkarpal Singh (PH-Bukit Gelugor) who wanted to know whether the government intended to improve the Act to encourage more people to report corruption.

Kula said the centralised agency could provide special training and set procedures to protect whistleblowers.

“It will be able to resolve all matters related to the Act,” he said.

According to him, the amendments were also aimed at ensuring more organised and clear workflow procedures for both the centralised agency and other enforcement agencies to avoid confusion.

“This is one of the government’s initiatives to combat any abuse of power, corruption and breach of integrit,” he said.

Kula said he believed the amendments to the Act would enable the government to strengthen good governance and increase public confidence in its efforts to combat corruption.

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