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Israel gives Malaysians 'visa exemptions'? Evil fabrication, says Saifuddin
Published on: Friday, February 23, 2024
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Israel gives Malaysians 'visa exemptions'? Evil fabrication, says Saifuddin
The posting alleged that Israel is granting the visa exemptions as a token of appreciation for Saifuddin Nasution Ismail’s attendance at the United Nations meeting. (X pic)
PETALING JAYA: The government has denied a claim that Israel is granting visa exemptions to Malaysians.

Home minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said the claim was intended to tarnish his reputation.

“I think the purpose of this post being revived is to fabricate an evil and slanderous narrative against me and the Malaysian government,” he said in a statement posted on X.

“My presence, as depicted in this picture, was in my capacity as one of the delegates listening to the prime minister’s (Anwar Ibrahim’s) speech at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).”

Saifuddin was responding to a post on X by an account known as Kopitiam Malaya, which alleged that Israel might grant visa exemptions to Malaysians.

The Kopitiam Malaya post was in response to a post on X by Israeli MP Danny Danon on Sept 22, who claimed that Israel might grant visa exemptions to Malaysians as a gesture of appreciation for Saifuddin’s attendance during Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the UNGA.

Saifuddin also said Anwar had unequivocally made clear Malaysia’s stance on the Palestine-Israel conflict during the UN meeting.

Malaysia does not recognise nor have diplomatic relations with Israel, with all Malaysian passports bearing the inscription: “This passport is valid for all countries except Israel.”

Malaysia gives more for UN Middle East relief work

Meanwhile, Anwar has announced an increase in financial assistance to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) following the withdrawal of funds by key nations.

He has pledged an additional US$2.1 million on top of the annual aid, Bernama reported.

“Currently, several MPs from both the government and opposition blocs are on their way to Rafah to express support for Egypt and assist with the delivery of humanitarian aid from our country to Gaza,” he said in a Facebook post.

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