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Habitual addict gets five years and rotan
Published on: Friday, February 02, 2024
By: Jo Ann Mool
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Habitual addict gets five years and rotan
He was charged under Section 15(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act (DDA) 1952 read with Section 39C(1)(b) of the same Act, which provides for a jail term between five years and seven years and whipping of not more than three strokes of the cane.
Kota Kinabalu: A 32-year-old man with two conviction records of taking dangerous drugs was jailed five years and ordered given one stroke of the cane for taking the drugs the third time.

Mohd Shafwan Mustapa pleaded guilty before Sessions Court Judge Amir Shah Amir Hassan to consuming Amphetamine and Methamphetamine in Penampang at 3.15pm on Oct 15, 2023.

He was charged under Section 15(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act (DDA) 1952 read with Section 39C(1)(b) of the same Act, which provides for a jail term between five years and seven years and whipping of not more than three strokes of the cane.

Shafwan, who was not represented, requested a lenient sentence.

The prosecution applied for a deterrent sentence as Shafwan was a repeat offender where he was fined RM1,800 and jailed eight months on the first and second convictions, respectively.

Meanwhile, in the Magistrate’s Court, six Sarawakians were fined RM1,500 or one month jail each for engaging in gambling activity in public.

Yong Leong Chong, Kho Sian Yang, Pui Shee Yong, Wong Siong Huat, Khu Ing Seng and Pang Long Woen, age between 24 and 32, pleaded guilty before Magistrate Wan Farrah Farriza Wan Ghazali to committing the offence at the Flexx Pub and Bar Lounge, Anjung Samudera, KK Waterfront here.

They were charged under Section 7(2) of the Common Gaming House Act 1953 which provides for a fine of up to RM5,000 or jail term of up to six months, on conviction.

Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Muhammad Azizi Hamil informed the court that the six were arrested by police team during Ops Pusat Hiburan after they were found playing cards with money on the table.

Counsel Mohamad Syazwan Shah Mohamad Ali, representing all men, requested a minimum fine as all of them were in the State on holiday and that they were just gathering at the said place as friends and were not part of any gambling syndicate nor agents trying to entice the public to gamble as it was just a friendly game among themselves.

The experience has made them remorseful and they swore never to repeat the offence, said Syazwan, adding that they also suffered losses as RM8,700 in cash was seized from them.

The prosecution applied for a heavier sentence by submitting that gambling was a bad habit and harmful to society as it could cause addiction and other serious crimes.

By imposing a heavier sentence, a deterrent effect would be conveyed to the public and will serve as a reminder to the public to not engage in any gambling activity, said DPP Azizi.

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