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Paving way for a ‘cashless’ Sabah
Published on: Wednesday, January 31, 2024
By: Jeremy S Zabala
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Paving way for a ‘cashless’ Sabah
Herman with Rohaizi and Georgie at the ‘Cashless Seja Bah!’ campaign launching at Gaya Street, recently.
Kota Kinabalu: The introduction of the “Cashless Seja Bah!” campaign aims to propel Sabah towards a cashless society and encourage Sabahans to cultivate e-payment wallet while at the same time enjoy rewards and cashbacks.

TNG Digital Sdn Bhd Chief Operating Officer Mohd Herman Sarbini said it has been obvious that there are significant progress in the adoption of cashless transactions, especially in Peninsula Malaysia’s urban communities.

With the current growing population of users, he said the organisation is emphasising and establishing higher support towards its partners in East Malaysia to embrace cashless transactions to complete the country’s transition towards a cashless society.

“In support of the government’s ongoing initiatives to promote cashless payments, the ‘Cashless Seja Bah’ campaign is a joint effort designed to educate and enhance the community’s understanding of cashless transactions as a preferred mode of payment, ultimately fostering increased adoption and widespread acceptance of a cashless lifestyle.

“With a constantly growing network of 2 million merchant touchpoints and comprehensive financial products, we aim to leverage our technology to further enhance the security of digital payments and make it accessible to the public with our e-wallet. 

“As the leader in this space, we aim to drive digital and financial inclusion through public education and adoption programmes,” he said when launching the campaign at Gaya Street here, last Friday.

Meanwhile, PayNet Chief Commercial Officer Gary Yeoh said tourists from the peninsula contributes significantly to inbound tourism in Sabah, with a spending of RM1.7 billion in 2022. 

He said this is due to the popularity of the local cuisine in Sabah as well as handicrafts in various parts of the State that are key attractions.

“Through these campaigns, we aim to empower Sabah’s vibrant communities and micro-entrepreneurs by offering the convenience of cashless transactions. 

“This not only enhances the visitor experience but also helps local businesses grow and thrive in the digital economy. We are committed to extending our cashless initiatives to more public markets.

“Leveraging PayNet’s expertise in retail payments infrastructure, and an extensive network of 1.9 million DuitNow QR touchpoints across Malaysia, this campaign facilitates the nation’s journey towards a digital economy.

“It provides an opportunity and platform for East Malaysia communities to embrace cashless transactions, starting with Sabah,” he added.

“Cashless Seja Bah!” campaign is a collaboration between TNG Digital and Paynet which aims to bring pragmatic digital payments and solutions to merchants and users in Sabah.

The three month-long campaign kicked off in Dec 15, 2023 and will end on March 13, 2024 with mini roadshows in locations such as Chester Night Market, Tawau, on Feb 3, Kim Fung Night Market, Sandakan, on Feb 24 and Keningau Night Market, Keningau, on March 9.

Also present were Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry (KPDNHEP) Senior Director (Trade Distribution and Business Sector) Datuk Rohaizi Bahari and State KPDNHEP Director Georgie Abbas, among others.

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