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Expanding anti- fire scheme in high risk areas
Published on: Wednesday, January 17, 2024
By: Lagatah Toyos
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Expanding anti- fire scheme in high risk areas
A demonstration on using fire extinguishers.
TAWAU: The Kalabakan Parliament People’s Service Centre is expanding the implementation of the “One House One Fire Extinguisher” campaign at high risk locations as an initial fire safety measure.

State Assistant Minister of Industrial Development and Entrepreneurship (Mide), Datuk Andi Muhammad Suryady Bandy, said the initiative is seen as a vital effort in early awareness to safeguard lives and property.

“Through this campaign, residents, among others, will be given basic training in operating fire extinguishers in addition to making the equipment a necessary tool in their respective homes,” he said.

Andi stressed that fire safety awareness needs to start at home, and that the price of a fire extinguisher is still affordable.

He added that his party would continue their commitment in providing fire extinguisher to residents.

What is important, he said, is that local leaders and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) as well as government departments work closely together to organise fire safety awareness campaigns.

Andi said this while attending the opening of the Penggiat 2.0 One House One Fire Extinguisher campaign at the Pasir Putih Cultural Village Multipurpose Hall, recently.

It was organised by the Registration Department of Malaysian Organisations (JPPM) and the Tawau Pasir Putih Village Community Organization (Penggiat). Also present was Penggiat Chairman Kasruniyaty Rully.

The campaign was carried out in collaboration with the Kalabakan Parliamentary People’s Service Centre, UPPM N71 Tanjung Batu and JKKK Kg Budaya Pasir Putih.

Andi, who is also Kalabakan MP, commended the efforts of Penggiat to implement the campaign, which is now in its second year, with a target of 702 fire extinguishers given to the villagers.

“This year, 60 units of fire extinguishers were given to the villagers and around 582 more will be worked on in the next event,” he said.

Earlier, Penggiat also implemented the Apa Cerita Orang Kampung (ACOK) – One Hour Clean Up programme which included aerobics, health screening, first aid demonstrations, health and government agency exhibitions.

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