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Hajiji wants 50pc more seats: Sabah confident of 12 more, or 37 for louder voice in parliament
Published on: Saturday, January 13, 2024
By: Alex Ong
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Hajiji wants 50pc more seats: Sabah confident of 12 more, or 37 for louder voice in parliament
Hajiji and Ben
Kota Kinabalu: Sabah is expected to see a nearly 50 per cent jump in representation in parliament in the next general election due in 2027 with the number of seats increased from 25 currently to 37 – or an additional 12.

Parti Gagasan Rakyat Sabah (Gagasan Rakyat) Tanjong Kapor Head Ben Chong Chen Bin said it is all thanks to the hard work by the GRS-led State Government led by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor.

“Soon after forming the State Government, Hajiji wasted no time in ensuring that Sabah’s rights as enshrined under MA63, including the right to one third of the 222 parliamentary seats from Sabah and Sarawak, is realized.

“Together with Sarawak counterpart Premier Datuk Painggi Abang Johari, a committee was formed to pursue the matter,” said Ben, who is Tanjong Kapor Assemblyman.

He said the committee “Jawatan Kuasa Kerja Pertambahan Ahli Dewan Rakyat Sabah and Sarawak” is headed by the Federal Attorney-General with both the Sabah and Sarawak AGs involved.

“Representatives from the Sabah Chief Minister’s Department and Sarawak Premier’s Department are also in the committee,” he said.  Once the committee had trashed out the nitty-gritty, the matter would be presented to the Federal Cabinet for evaluation before being presented to Parliament this year.

“An almost 50 per cent increase in parliamentary seats will, among others, ensure that our voice is finally heard better at the Federal level. 

“With more MPs from Sabah and Sarawak, the two Borneon states will have a bigger say in matters affecting the people, as was originally intended under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 but ignored by past federal administrations,” he said.

The previous federal government reverted to Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya being separate entities as was originally envisaged under the MA63. 

Singapore’s exit from the federation in 1965 should have resulted in the island’s seats being redistributed equally but this was never done.

The situation was made worse by both Borneo states made mere 13th and 14 states of the federation in 1976 when Berjaya came to power in Sabah.

Ben said the GRS State Government has achieved much since taking over the State administration in 2020.

“Sabah, after helping to form Malaysia over 60 years ago, is finally able to see light at the end of the tunnel by getting its rights back.  

“Hajiji had worked hard in restoring Sabah’s rights under the MA63 and the Chief Minister’s close relationship with the Federal Unity Government led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is expected to see Sabah seen in more favourable light than previously.

“An example is the 40 per cent tax revenue which Hajiji is actively pursuing with Federal. Hajiji has the political will to ensure that the interest of Sabah and the people’s wellbeing is taken care of without too much fanfare or talk,” said Ben. 

Ben said Hajiji was also wise in ensuring that GRS would not be involved  in any attempt to topple the present Federal Unity Government.

“Political stability is important and GRS’ assurance will help thwart any attempts by the perpetrators to destabilise the country for their selfish political agendas,” he said.

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