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PAS, Pejuang leaders condemn suspected Molotov attack on Ngeh’s home
Published on: Wednesday, January 10, 2024
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PAS, Pejuang leaders condemn suspected Molotov attack on Ngeh’s home
PAS’s Ahmad Fadhli Shaari (left) and Pejuang’s Rafique Rashid Ali say this morning’s attack on the home of DAP’s Ngeh Koo Ham is ‘unacceptable’.
PETALING JAYA: A PAS leader has condemned the early morning attack on the residence of DAP’s Beruas MP Ngeh Koo Ham, describing it as an unacceptable act.

Ahmad Fadhli Shaari, PAS’s information chief, also expressed sympathy over the incident, said to be a Molotov cocktail attack.

“Regardless of political differences, the act of burning and destroying a person’s property, especially when it could put lives at risk, is unacceptable,” he said in a statement.

“We leave it to the authorities to conduct an investigation in accordance with the law. All parties are advised against engaging in speculation that might disrupt the authorities’ investigation.”

China Press earlier reported that Ngeh’s residence in Ayer Tawar, Perak, had caught fire in the wee hours of the morning.

Ngeh told the daily that he and his wife were woken by a passer-by who rang the doorbell and alerted them to the fire. He also said he had lodged a report on the matter at the Ayer Tawar police station.

The DAP lawmaker recently stirred controversy by suggesting that non-Muslim constitutional experts be appointed to the committee reviewing the jurisdiction of shariah courts according to the Federal Constitution. Ngeh later apologised and withdrew his proposal.

Pejuang information chief Rafique Rashid Ali also described the attack as “unacceptable”, saying political differences do not justify criminal behaviour.

“Political differences and ideologies should be subjects for debate and celebration, rather than a cause for crime,” he said.

He also voiced hope for a more mature approach to politics moving forward, advocating the rule of law and constitutional democracy.

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