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Man jailed 14 years for causing wife’s death
Published on: Thursday, November 30, 2023
By: Lagatah Toyos, Cynthia D Baga
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Man jailed 14 years for causing wife’s death
Jakaria (centre) being led away.
TAWAU: A 56-year-old man who caused the death of his wife after suspecting her of having an affair six years ago was jailed 14 years.

High Court Judge Datuk Dr. Lim Hock Leng handed the sentence to Jakaria Abu Bakar, after ruling that the prosecution had proven its case beyond reasonable doubt.

Jakaria was found guilty of causing the death of his wife  Norminah Bollok, at 4am on Jan 22, 2017 at a house in Kg Pinggir Bakau, Semporna.

He was originally charged under Section 302 of the Penal Code which provides the death sentence, but was reduced to 304(a) of the Penal Code which carries a jail term of up to 30 years, and liable to a fine, on conviction.

The court ordered Jakaria to serve the jail sentence from the date of his arrest on Feb 4, 2019.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Hurman Hussain conducted the prosecution while counsel Andy Tay defended Jakaria.

Meanwhile, in a 28-year-old woman was fined a total of RM6,500 for having on sale unregistered and fake products as well as having cosmetics without labels.

Sherry Ann pleaded guilty before Sessions Court Judge Elsie Primus to the three charges against her.

On the first count, she was fined RM3,000 in default five months’ jail for having 15 types of cosmetics without notifications at 11.05am on July 5, 2022 at a house in Taman Aman Sari, here.

The offence, under Regulation 18A(1)(a) of the Control of Drugs and Cosmetic Regulations 1984 and punishable under Section 12(1) of the Drugs Sales Act 1952, which carries a jail term of up to three years or a fine of up to RM25,000, or both, for first offence, and for the second offence and so on, it provide a jail term of up to five years, or fine of up to RM50,000, or both, on conviction.

On the second count, she was fined RM2,000 or spend three months in prison for having for sale four types of products which were not registered with the Ministry of Health at the same place and time.

On the third count, Sherry was fined another RM1,500 or two months’ jail for having for sale a fake beauty product at the same place and time.

During mitigation, Sherry who was not represented, asked for leniency saying that she was selling the products to help her family and did not know that the products could not be sold.

According to Sherry, she obtained the products in the city.

However, Prosecuting Officer Muhamed Aiman Russli from Pharmacy Department urged the court to impose a heavy sentence on the grounds that all the products pose a risk to the health of the public because it was not verified with the Ministry.

The court heard that based on information from the public, a team from the Pharmacy Department raided Sherry’s house and found all the products.

Investigation revealed that Sherry had sold the products via online and also advertised the products through social media.

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