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2,600ac Semporna coconut estate Sabah’s largest
Published on: Friday, November 10, 2023
By: Johan Aziz
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2,600ac Semporna coconut estate Sabah’s largest
Sabin presented a souvenir to Jeffrey after the ceremony. Also seen are Robert, Flovia, Abidin and Sobitun.
TAMBUNAN: Chairman of Malaysian Kuwaiti Investment Company Sdn Bhd (MKIC), Dato Sri Dr Sabin Samitah, said it has started large-scale coconut planting activities covering 2,060 acres in Semporna.

He said the farm was also recognised as the largest coconut farm in the State.

“Today’s programme is also the 4th programme, a follow-up to the three programmes that have been carried out before in conjunction with developing grazing reserves in this district for the coconut plantation project,” he said in his speech at the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Signing Ceremony of Grazing Reserve Development held at Nucifera, here, recently.

Deputy Chief Minister 1 and Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Industry, Datuk Seri Dr Jeffrey G Kitingan was present.

Samin thanked Jeffrey and his team for their cooperation to realise the desire to work on the plantation sector, especially on coconut plantations in the district.

“Today is a historic moment for the people of Tambunan and MKIC when a MoU to work on coconut plantations was signed between MKIC together with the Grazing Reserves Trustees for the first five villages that will lead the development of the coconut plantations, namely Kampung Tondulu, Kuala Namadan, Toboh, Nouduh and Papar.

“I understand that these grazing reserves are the common property of all the villagers. Therefore, a cooperative will be established to create a representative entity to bring a voice and preserve the right of the villagers to deal officially with the MKIC later.

“MKIC will also form and establish a special purpose company to administer, manage the governance and carry out all Coconut Plantation Business activities by inviting representatives of the Cooperative to be appointed as members of the Company’s board of directors to ensure that the interests of the villagers are always protected,” he said.

As a company with extensive experience managing farms for over 30 years, MKIC would contribute expertise and knowledge to this joint venture. All expenses for development costs for this project will be borne by MKIC.

He said the collaboration between these two parties will divide the income and net profit equally, which is at the agreed rate of 50:50.

In addition, MKIC will prioritise the recruitment of workers from among local citizens who meet the criteria of academic qualifications, experience and skills that are suitable for the types of jobs offered later.

“This will simultaneously open job opportunities, especially for the youth without having to migrate to big cities like Kota Kinabalu.

“At the same time, he said, the residents of Tambunan can also participate in increasing their income by working together to cultivate coconut crops on their private lands,” he said.

Sabin said coconut collection centres will be built in several strategic areas where the produce will be purchased by MKIC to be collected before being sent to the factory for processing.

He believes that with careful planning and good cooperation from all parties and the signing of the MoU today between the residents of this district and MKIC, will be a benchmark and a good example to be implemented in other districts in the State.

Also present at the event were Assistant Minister of Works, Datuk Robert Tawik, Assistant Minister of Community Development and People’s Well-being, Datuk Flovia Ng, Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister, Datuk Abidin Madingkir, District Officer, Sobitun Makajil, Chief Executive Officer of MKIC, Shahrin Mohd Ali, heads of state government departments and members of the MKIC Board of Directors.

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