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15 Sabah social enterprises at Festivscape: Buy for Impact
Published on: Saturday, September 23, 2023
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15 Sabah social enterprises at Festivscape: Buy for Impact
Sabah Creative Economy and Innovation Centre (Scenic) will host a two-day “Festivscape: Buy For Impact” event, featuring 30 social enterprises from across Malaysia, 15 from Sabah, 10 from Peninsula Malaysia and 5 from Sarawak.
Kuala Lumpur: Sabah Creative Economy and Innovation Centre (Scenic) will host a two-day “Festivscape: Buy For Impact” event, featuring 30 social enterprises from across Malaysia, 15 from Sabah, 10 from Peninsula Malaysia and 5 from Sarawak.

One of Scenic’s mandates is to promote social innovation and support ground-up social enterprises. 

This movement provides an opportunity to encourage government, corporations, and the general public to purchase from impact-driven enterprises that simultaneously address pressing social, economic, and environmental issues in Malaysia.

This year marks a significant development as Scenic, a state organisation from the ‘Land Below the Wind,’ takes the initiative to host Festivscape: Buy For Impact event at the Telekom Museum in the heart of Kuala Lumpur city on September 30 and October 1, 2023.

Last year, Scenic’s General Manager Viviantie Sarjuni revealed that they brought 10 social enterprises from Sabah to participate in a similar event at Rumah Tangsi in Kuala Lumpur. 

“In an astounding 48 hours, these enterprises generated total sales of RM70,000, significantly contributing to their initiatives in Sabah,” she said in a statement. 

Building on this achievement, Scenic sees this as a strategic platform for market access and is now reviving the effort through ‘Festivscape: Buy For Impact’ at a national level.

“This movement seeks to encourage consumers, private companies, and public sectors in Malaysia to make mindful purchases from impact-driven enterprises that are actively addressing pressing challenges in the country.”

In the spirit of collaboration, Viviantie stated that Scenic has partnered with Yayasan Telekom Malaysia, aligning their shared mission to empower grassroots communities, especially the underprivileged. 

To broaden their reach, Scenic has also extended invitations to social enterprises from both Peninsula Malaysia and Sarawak. 

This expansion is made possible through collaborations with the Chamber of Social Entrepreneur Development (CSED) and Tegas Digital Village Sarawak.

“Our collective hope is to surpass the achievements of the previous year. Yet, what holds the utmost significance, beyond mere sales figures, is the invaluable experience and exposure gained by our participating social enterprises who join us in this movement. 

“Our aspiration is for them to carry back the wealth of knowledge acquired during this initiative and to apply it back home, particularly in the regions of Sabah and Sarawak, where the challenges loom larger on the horizon.”

Meanwhile, Yayasan Telekom Malaysia (YTM) director Ainol Shaharina Sahar said that the foundation has awarded YTM Social Impact Grant 2022 to Scenic for the implementation of Capacity Building and Ecosystem Initiative for Sabah’s Social Enterprises.

“YTM plays a significant role to support the Government’s nation building agenda through various social impact initiatives based on its three main pillars; Education, Community; Nation Building and Art, Culture and Heritage.

“Through this Festivscape programme, YTM aims to create awareness of the local products by the SEs and provide a networking platform and business opportunities between the SEs and interested parties. 

“At the same time, to uplift entrepreneurship through digital and technology among SEs, build a supportive environment and ecosystem to encourage SEs to make changes towards sustainable economic growth in society.”

Ainol added that the foundation believes the consumer will be encouraged to use their purchasing power to buy quality local products and eventually create a positive impact in a broader community while creating a sustainable business and new job opportunities for those involved in the programme.

Sabah Creative Economy and Innovation Centre (Scenic) is an initiative under Sabah State Government that was approved by the Sabah Cabinet in August 2019.

Scenic is under the purview of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation Sabah (KSTI) aimed to accelerate industries in Sabah through technology, innovation and creativity, and collaboration with various stakeholders in the ecosystem.

In January 2023, Scenic was awarded the Merit Award for being the Most Impactful Public Agency in Driving Digital Adoption, by MalaysiaKini and endorsed by Mosti.

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