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Pledge of fairness and equality to all
Published on: Monday, September 18, 2023
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Pledge of fairness and equality to all
PM Anwar signing the special Malaysia Day book as Hajiji and Abang Jo witnesses during the national level celebrations at Stadium Perpaduan in Kuching, Sarawak.
Kota Kinabalu: The State Government is always committed to ensuring equality and fairness when helping people of various races and religions in Sabah, including that religious freedom as enshrined in the constitution, continues to be maintained.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Haji Noor said respecting each other’s beliefs would continue to be a pillar of strength and unity in the State .

“The government always supports schools and non-Muslim religious bodies to ensure their needs are met, including continuing to provide assistance to ensure that unity, racial harmony and strong religious tolerance continue to be prioritised.

“In addition to aid for schools, the State Government is also concerned about the needs of non-Muslim religious bodies in Sabah such as on development and repairing works of their houses of workship, among others.

“Last year, the State Government channeled RM20.8 million for churches in Sabah involving 16 church denominations, RM5.8 million for 152 temples and RM400,000.00 for 10 Hindu/Sikh temples,” he said, at a dinner in conjunction with the 12th World Tua Pek Kong Festival at Hakk hall.

His speech was delivered by Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister, Datuk Abidin Madingkir.

Hajiji said the 12th Tua Pek Kong World Parade Festival in Sabah is looked forward to by the Chinese community, especially Tua Pek Kong followers who pay respect to the “God of Prosperity”.

He is confident that the festival, which brings together various traditions and cultures, also enriches the diversity of Malaysian heritage.

“The festival is also a good example of how culture can unite us, which will bring harmony in a multi-racial society,” he said.

In facing a borderless digital world, Hajiji said it is very important that the people continue to preserve the cultural heritage and traditions of the ancestors so that they do not extinct and disappear with time.

“It is certain that through this festival, it is the best platform for our society to preserve the traditional values that have been inherited from previous generations to future generations.”

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