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Renowned HK Actress Michelle Yim Headlines Sleep Health Showcase Amidst Surge of Insomnia in Malaysia
Published on: Monday, August 28, 2023
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 Renowned HK Actress Michelle Yim Headlines Sleep Health Showcase Amidst Surge of Insomnia in Malaysia
(From Left) Dr Choo, Mr Lew & Michelle talk on sleep health.
Kuala Lumpur: AmLife International Sdn. Bhd today staged its sleep health showcase themed “Sleep Your Way To A Younger and Healthier You!” to address increasing sleep issues and their connection to ageing and diseases at the One World Hotel.

Many Malaysians suffer from various sleep disorders, most commonly insomnia which is escalating in the country. Media reports indicated that 9 out of 10 Malaysians has sleep disorders.

The average Malaysian sleeps only 6 hours or less (experts recommend 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night) and 4 out of 10 take more than 30 minutes to sleep. 6 out of 10

Malaysians claimed that they have an unhealthy lifestyle and spending too much time on the phones which caused them difficulty to fall asleep or stay asleep.   

According to Mr. Lew Mun Yee, Founder & President of AmLife, sleep education is becoming increasingly important as sleep disorders trigger various chronic conditions which include Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, depression and immunity-related illnesses. 

As Malaysians lead busier lives, do not eat right and wisely and become more sedentary, these factors would exacerbate many modern-lifestyle diseases. 

“Over time, lack of good sleep can lead to many health issues, impacts one’s immune system and overall functions and also accelerates aging,” said Lew.

A research team in University of California, Los Angeles found that one night of partial sleep deprivation activated genes related to biological aging in older adults .

The findings suggested that insufficient sleep may increase the risk of chronic disease by “activating the molecular pathways that drive biological aging”.

In a bid to step up sleep health education to the masses, AmLife has enlisted Hong Kong popular veteran actress Michelle Yim to aid in this community initiative.

Michelle, which has a sterling TV career that spans close to 50 years, epitomises consistent and natural youthfulness, beauty and health. 

Besides offering her sleep and anti-aging insights, Michelle shared her experience using AmLife sleep technology - the AmLife DeepZleep AmSonic - an unique regenerative sleep technology from Japan which combines Electric Potential Therapy, AmSonic Frequency Therapy and Thermal Therapy – making it the world’s first regenerative sleep for all-rounded physical and spiritual wellbeing which let you recharge your health while you are sleeping.

Michelle will also star in AmLife’s community video which advocates sleep health and anti-aging and will be ready for public viewing come September.

Michelle said, “It is important to pay attention to maintaining good health.  Eat well, do not go to bed late and exercise.

In this busy society, everyone is subject to tremendous pressure. So, it is key to cultivate good habits to keep healthy from young. Do not delay keeping healthy or when you are older…lest you may have a lot of problems by then.

Michelle Yim shares on her health & beauty regime which includes quality sleep

On working with AmLife, I am to be aligned with the company's concept of health preservation through sleep health! It is great to share on sleep health as many neglect to practise good sleeping habits. Seek sleep solutions if you have a sleep issue.

Since I used AmLife’s DeepZleep – AmSonic for just one week, everyone said that I am in a very good state of mind. I sleep well every night and feel recharged and refreshed. I also feel that my skin condition and complexion have improved, quipped Michelle.

At the event, Dr. Choo Hao Jian, a doctor specialising in geriatrics and regenerative medicine was on hand to share his insights on sleep and aging, with tips and solutions to keep young and healthy naturally, well into one’s golden age.

AmLife has been educating and helping people achieve better sleep and health through its electric potential therapy technology from Japan for the past 20 years.

“While we have always been providing sleep health technology while you sleep, today we are excited to enable Malaysians to keep healthy while they sit or relax wherever they might be in our latest endeavour!, said Lew.

The all-new DZ Lite launched today is light, portable, easy and convenient to use in a sitting mode, wherever you are.

The innovative product purifies the blood through electric potential therapy, unblocks meridian points and opens up veins to promote blood circulation to enhance one’s health.

Mr. Lew Mun Yee launching DZ Lite with Michelle Yim.JPG

We are also working with various professional and retail outlets in Malaysia on a “crossover concept” – ranging from cafés, gyms, hair and beauty salons to offices where one can just recline on the DZ Lite and let it rejuvenate one’s body – which aims to  address health hazards that stem from sedentary lifestyles.  

Moving forward, we will continue to enable more Malaysians to enjoy sleep solutions in a more accessible and convenient manner, while striving towards our main goal of advocating younger, healthier and vibrant lives,“ enthused Mr Lew.

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