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‘Free market a better school’ event draws 150
Published on: Wednesday, August 02, 2023
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‘Free market a better school’ event draws 150
Participants taking part at an event in Kinarut.
Kota Kinabalu: A “Free market – a better school” event was held recently at Coalition Learning Centre Sabah, Kinarut.

The event organised by Junior Chamber International (JCI) Kota Kinabalu and jointly organised by JCI Malaysia Senate and JCI Senators Club of Singapore and JCI Orchid (Singapore) saw a tournout of 150 students, teachers and committees.

JCI Kota Kinabalu remains relevant today despite the oldest JCI chapter in Sabah.

Since its inception, JCI Kota Kinabalu has engaged, trained and groomed young people aged 18-40 to become future leaders through its various aspects in terms of training programmes, individual development and community-based activities, management opportunities and business networking. 

“Free market” is one of the flagship projects organised by JCI Kota Kinabalu since 2017 and has created great impact on the community. 

“The poverty rate in Sabah is the highest in Malaysia. As a Youth Leader of Malaysia, we are together to help the people in need no matter if you are Malaysian or none,” said JCI Kota Kinabalu president Benjamin Choi.

Throughout this project with the main objectives, it is aligned with UNSDG with the main goals: End poverty, peace, zero hunger, provide quality education.

“The moment I saw these children’s condition, I realised how blessed I am.

Always be grateful for everything that has happened either good or bad. Making differences always starts with your own self.

We always learn to share with others because sharing is caring,” said Organising Chairperson Aldric Thien. 

The organisation also thanked the contribution and kindness from the community by donation in-kind or in-cash, total donation collected estimated RM85,000 which utilise to upgrade and renovate the learning centre with new equipment such as ceiling fans, bookshelves, shoe rack, etc.

It is to ensure marginalised, undocumented and stateless children to have a better study environment. 

More details or to join the organisation, please contact Vice President Aldric Thien (+60 16-803 0853) or Chapter President Benjamin Choi (+60 14-573 9486), or search their official Facebook Page “JCI Kota Kinabalu”.

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