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Rectifying rural power supply shortcomings: DPM
Published on: Monday, July 31, 2023
By: Sherell Jeffrey
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Rectifying rural power supply shortcomings: DPM
Hamidi said renewable energy (solar power) is included in the National Energy Policy and the installation of solar panels on a large scale has been done.  - FMT pic
Kota Kinabalu: New technologies are needed to correct shortcomings in the Rural Electricity Supply Programme (BELB), according to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. 

“The BELB programme, which falls under my Ministry, began a long time ago, but we discovered some failures due to battery replacement problems. 

“With the new technology, the battery lifespan is longer, and the maintenance system will be changed by placing several suppliers in several specific areas, rather than just one supplier for a state as large as Sabah or Sarawak,” said Ahmad Zahid, who is also Minister of Rural and Regional Development. 

He said this to reporters after officiating the Asia Pacific Cooperative Youth Summit 4.0 (APCYS 4.0), here, Sunday. 

He said renewable energy (solar power) is included in the National Energy Policy and the installation of solar panels on a large scale has been done. 

However, they discovered some difficulties in terms of solar panel installation in rural areas. 

“The installation of solar panels was implemented in Sabah and Sarawak over a decade ago. 

“However, because the battery replacement system is only given to one party, the area of Sabah and Sarawak is too large, making it impractical and time-consuming. “Eventually, the areas that use solar energy will face longer outages,” he said. 

“A new system for replacing this battery with a new battery, such as EV (Electric Vehicle) batteries, must be created. 

“We believe this new technology will be a game changer in rural electricity supply,” he said.

Meanwhile, he said youths play a key role in bringing about changes in the socioeconomic structure and that they must be directly involved in the country’s governance and development.

“The cooperative movement is an instrument capable of offering entrepreneurial and leadership education opportunities in order to develop high quality and more competent human capital talent,” he said. 

According to him, the global economic landscape is fast altering as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, which offers a number of challenges that demand immediate response.

He believes that youth participation is vital since they are the group capable of executing creative projects in keeping with the digitalization wave.

“This group consists of age groups that keep up with the pace of technology and have extensive knowledge in the field.

“I believe that the combination of youth leadership and existing leadership can accelerate the regional cooperative movement’s achievement in enhancing the community’s standard of living for the sake of sustainable and inclusive economic growth,” he said. 

Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives Minister Datuk Ewon Benedick urged more young people to choose cooperatives as a source of socioeconomic development as a group.

“Cooperatives are a vehicle to empower individuals, particularly youths, who share the same goal of working together to contribute actively in economic and social development. 

“By fostering the spirit of togetherness and solidarity, cooperatives are able to change the lives of youths in the face of uncertainty and current economic challenges,” he said. 

The APCYS 4.0 is a platform for young co-operators to gather and learn about sustainable cooperative practices and efforts, dive into cooperative practices directly, share cooperative business ideas, and experience first-hand the cultural differences brought by participants from Asia Pacific countries.

The four-day event, themed “Cooperation for Sustainable Lifestyle,” drew 186 youths from 19 countries in the Asia Pacific area, including Malaysia, the program’s fourth stop since its inception in 2016.

APCYS 4.0 is organized in collaboration with the ICA-AP Committee on Youth Cooperation and hosted by Angkasa as the apex body of the Malaysian cooperative movement in support of the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Cooperative Development, the Malaysian Cooperative Commission, the Sabah Tourism Board and the State Industrial Development and Entrepreneurship Ministry. 

Present were Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister Datuk Abidin Madingkir, and the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development Secretary General Datuk Sri Suriani Ahmad. 

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