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Focus on polls, not Salahuddin’s successor, Mat Sabu tells Amanah members
Published on: Wednesday, July 26, 2023
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Focus on polls, not Salahuddin’s successor, Mat Sabu tells Amanah members
Amanah president Mohamad Sabu says the party will discuss the matter of leadership succession with Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim at a later stage. (Bernama pic)
PETALING JAYA: Amanah president Mohamad Sabu has urged party leaders and members to focus on the coming six state elections instead of who will succeed Salahuddin Ayub as the party No 2 and in the government.

Mohamad, who is also known as Mat Sabu, said the main priority now should be working towards securing victories for the unity government candidates.

“Let us not concern ourselves with who will replace the late Salahuddin Ayub for now.

“We will discuss the matter of leadership succession with Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim at a later stage,” he said in a statement.

Mohamad also gave an assurance the party’s leadership would handle succession matters and chart the party’s future in accordance with its established rules and practices.

Salahuddin, who was the domestic trade and cost of living minister, died at Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital. Alor Setar on Sunday. He was 61.

The Pulai MP and Simpang Jeram assemblyman had undergone surgery for a brain haemorrhage.

Salahuddin also served as Amanah deputy president.

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