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PN resorting to sensationalism to plug policy vacuum, says Fahmi
Published on: Friday, July 14, 2023
By: FMT, Samuel Chua
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PN resorting to sensationalism to plug policy vacuum, says Fahmi
Communications and digital minister Fahmi Fadzil is confident the election results in Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Penang will reflect the rakyat’s satisfaction in the current state administrations.
PETALING JAYA: Perikatan Nasional has to resort to sensationalistic politics because it is unable to criticise the unity government’s policies or articulate viable alternatives of its own, government spokesman Fahmi Fadzil said.

In an interview with FMT, the communications and digital minister said the federal opposition coalition could not find fault with the many initiatives introduced by Anwar Ibrahim’s administration.

“For example, the Jualan Rahmah initiative has helped (consumers) save 30% to 40% of their usual expenditure on groceries. We have also increased the e-Tunai Belia Rahmah aid for higher education institution students to RM200 from RM150 (under ePemula) previously.

“But PN doesn’t want to take issue with these initiatives because they know they cannot dispute them,” he said.

As a result, he said, PN leaders end up making sensational statements online, apologising and then deleting their posts on Facebook.

“This is not a sign of responsible or good leadership,” he said.

Fahmi said an on-going police investigation into PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang over remarks allegedly touching on race, religion and royalty (3R) was a prime example of PN’s controversial politicking style.

Hadi is under investigation for claiming that DAP was continuing an alleged plan put in place by British colonisers to destroy Malay and Bumiputera supremacy with the help of Malays who have forgotten their roots.

Fahmi also cited an apology PAS preacher Syeikh Zainul Asri Romli was forced to issue for labelling the Islamist party’s rivals the “enemies of Allah”.

He said the rakyat would be better served if election candidates focused on presenting intelligent and beneficial policy arguments.

“My advice to everyone, not just PN, is to heed the decree of the King, who has so clearly said that everyone should stay clear of touching on 3R issues during the upcoming state elections.

“Let’s contest in a healthy manner, avoiding issues related to the 3Rs, and focusing on mature arguments on policies,” he said.

Fahmi also dismissed the notion that the Aug 12 state elections would be treated as a referendum on Anwar’s leadership.

He said the results of the elections will be seen as a reflection of how well each state administration has performed over the past five years.

He expressed confidence that the electoral results in Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Penang will be favourouble given the rakyat’s satisfaction with the administration in all three states.

“PH has implemented most of its manifesto promises and we can see significant economic growth in these states,” he said.

Penang, Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu, Negeri Sembilan and Selangor will go to the polls on Aug 12. Nominations will take place on July 29, and early voting on Aug 8.

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