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Don’t fall for criticisms by suspended or sacked Umno members, says Tok Mat
Published on: Saturday, June 10, 2023
By: FMT, Danial Azhar, Samuel Chua, Elill Easwaran
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Don’t fall for criticisms by suspended or sacked Umno members, says Tok Mat
Mohamad Hasan says the party is not without its shortcomings but it cannot afford to be divided.
Kuala Lumpur: Umno deputy president Mohamad Hasan has called for party members not to be swayed by the remarks of suspended or expelled Umno members.

He said the party was not without its shortcomings but it could not afford to be divided.

“We (Umno) cannot prevent people from speaking up because we practise freedom of speech.

“Those who were expelled are no longer members while those who are suspended can speak as they wish. We cannot stop them,” he told reporters at the Umno general assembly held at the World Trade Centre here.

“However, I hope our members can make their own judgments.”

Mohamad, who is popularly known as Tok Mat, urged Umno members to use the appropriate channels to provide suggestions and constructive criticisms to improve the party.

On Monday, former Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, who was sacked from the party in January, said Umno would be wiped out in the upcoming state elections.

Meanwhile, former Pasir Salak MP Tajuddin Abdul Rahman, who is serving a six-year suspension from Umno, claimed that Umno Supreme Council member Ahmad Maslan had failed in his role as the former party secretary-general.

Tajuddin accused Ahmad of failing to advise party president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi properly, adding that he only listened to certain “people” around him and did not heed the voice of the grassroots.

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