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Anwar vows to defend monarchy from mockery
Published on: Monday, June 05, 2023
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Anwar vows to defend monarchy from mockery
Anwar Ibrahim says the unity government, which was proposed by the King, leads to political stability and allows for economic growth and proper governance. (Bernama pic)
PETALING JAYA: The government would never allow the monarchy to be mocked or undermined in the name of freedom, says Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.

He said there would also be no compromise in the government’s effort to ensure that the royal institution in the country is protected from any form of threats.

“(We) will defend, and ensure that appropriate action is taken against anyone who attempts to threaten the monarchy and the integrity of the Federal Constitution,” he said in a statement in conjunction with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah’s birthday today.

Last month, Inspector-General of Police Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani revealed that 11 cases involving insults against the rulers, or the royal institution, were recorded between March 22 and May 17.

He said the 11 cases were among a total of 23 investigations involving the 3R issues, that is race, religion and royalty.

Anwar also said the unity government, which had been proposed by the King, had led to political stability and allowed for economic growth and proper governance.

Meanwhile, Anwar said he intends to table the 2024 budget in October.

He also plans to table the mid-term review of the 12th Malaysian Plan (12MP) at the end of September.

“I would like to do all this while Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah is still the Agong.”

Anwar, who is also the finance minister, tabled a revised 2023 federal government budget with a total allocation of RM388 billion, in February. This was after the original 2023 budget, tabled by the previous government on Oct 7, was not debated as Parliament was dissolved a few days later.

Another announcement from the prime minister was that the government plans to launch the National Industrial Plan in August.

Along with the national budget and 12MP, he said these policies would help deal with several challenges, including the economic slowdown and climate crisis.

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