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MP: State Govt must make bold decision on Papar dam
Published on: Sunday, May 21, 2023
By: Hayati Dzulkifli
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MP: State Govt must make bold decision on Papar dam
Prime Minister’s Department (Sabah and Sarawak Affairs and Special Tasks) Datuk Seri Armizan Mohd Ali.
PAPAR: The State Government needs to make a bold decision on building a dam as a solution to solve the current water woes in the State, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Sabah and Sarawak Affairs and Special Tasks) Datuk Seri Armizan Mohd Ali.

If a new dam is needed, he said, the State Government should make a stern decision and decide on the location.

“Water supply problem has become a polemic issue in Sabah and many people talked about this when, in fact, it is not new but inherited since several years ago.

“I am confident that under the leadership of Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Haji Noor, the Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS)-led State government and Pakatan Harapan (PH) Federal government will take a brave and firm action to solve the (water supply) problem, immediately.

“If the dam is needed in Papar for the benefit of the people as a whole, I as Papar MP will support the move,” he said, after hosting a Hari Raya Aidil Fitri Open House jointly with Kawang Assemblyman Datuk Ghulam Haidar Khan Bahadar at the SMK Pengalat Besar hall, Saturday.

Deputy Prime Minister cum Plantation and Commodity Minister Dato’ Seri Fadillah bin Yusof attended the occasion together with Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Haji Noor, Limbahau Assemblyman Datuk Juil Nuatim, State Secretary Datuk Sr. Safar Untong and other senior officials.

“I will support whatever firm decision made by the State government even if it is not popular with some quarters because when this water woe issue is prolonged with no action to solve it, the issue will become critical and eventually turn into a crisis for Sabah.

“If there are issues raised by villagers affected by the construction of the dam in their respective area, then we together with the State government will engage with the concerned villagers so that they can understand.

“But the most important is that we must guarantee the villagers’ safety, wellbeing and socio-economic status when the dam is constructed in their area. I believe the State government has plans and measures for the concerned villagers.

He said solving this water problem comprehensively must involve four components of RTDE - Resource, Treatment Distribution and Enforcement.

“First, is the Resource or source of raw water from the dam, Treatment of the raw water which is why there is a need to upgrade the water treatment plant.

“And thirdly is Distribution of the system piping whereby the old ones need to be replaced and lastly, Enforcement component to ensure reduction of non-revenue water in Sabah, which is among states, reaches more than 50pc,” he said.

Recently, he said Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) here also stated its support for the Papar dam.

He said investors may not want to come and spend their money in Sabah because unsolved water woes would become a factor and there would be no revenue and income for Sabah.

Nonetheless, he said, he is optimistic the problem can be solved fast as Sabah already has additional state revenue of RM2 billion per year under GRS-PH governance and the State has money to solve the problem.

Also, he said, recently that the Prime Minister (PM) had said the Federal Government would take action to solve water issues in Sabah.

“I have proposed to the PM to find ways…maybe through setting up a cooperative to ensure that locals or the villagers who may be affected by construction of the dam like in Kaiduan, where they can be part of the development of the dam.

“Create work opportunities and we want spillovers from the Papar dam worth billions of Ringgit that can be enjoyed by the people.

“Also maybe give proper land swap packages to the villagers involved. My only concern is about others who may manipulate the issue,” Armizan said.

To a question, he said Papar Dam was one of the options at State level for quite some time but due to politics and certain quarters who influenced the local villagers, the project was delayed.


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