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More China tourists expected during summer
Published on: Sunday, April 30, 2023
By: FMT, Wong Jing Xuan
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More China tourists expected during summer
Malaysia is expecting more visitors from China following the reopening of its borders. (Bernama pic)
PETALING JAYA: Hoteliers are expecting a large influx of tourists from China for the summer season from next month, although the numbers will fall short of pre-pandemic figures.

Christina Toh, president of the Malaysian Association of Hotels, said May and June were the start of the summer season and there would be a greater number of arrivals and more flights from China.

She said there were not many factors that would discourage China nationals from visiting Malaysia, although slow visa approvals could be problematic.

Toh said the home ministry was looking into ensuring swift visa approvals for tourists from China.

She believed Malaysia would remain a popular destination for international travellers, including tourists from China, as long as flights remain accessible and flight frequency continues to increase.

China reopened its international borders in January after three years of strict Covid-19 restrictions. There were about 3.1 million tourist arrivals from China in 2019 before Covid-19, while Malaysia is seeking to draw five million Chinese tourists to the country.

The Malaysia Retailers Association said the reopening of China’s borders was a major boost to the industry.

MRA general manager Evelyn Cheong said the increase in Chinese tourist arrivals in Malaysia would lead to greater footfall in malls and more retail purchases.

She hoped that Tourism Malaysia would intensify its promotional efforts in China to attract more tourists, taking advantage of the pent-up demand for travelling and shopping.

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