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2 Taiwanese wanted in shooting case back home held at KLIA
Published on: Saturday, April 29, 2023
By: Bernama
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2 Taiwanese wanted in shooting case back home held at KLIA
Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani says the success was the result of the close cooperation between Malaysian police and Taiwanese authorities.
Kuala Lumpur: Two Taiwan nationals wanted in a shooting case in their country have been detained at KLIA.

Both suspects were believed to be members of a secret society as well as members of a scam syndicate in Taiwan.

Inspector-General of Police Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said both men were nabbed as soon as they arrived at KLIA on April 20 from Taiwan.

“The suspects were picked up following a warrant of arrest issued by Taiwanese authorities and their passports had also been cancelled by the Taiwanese government. The arrests were made under the Immigration Act 1959/63.

“The success is the result of the close cooperation between the Malaysian police and Taiwanese authorities.

“This collaboration would continue to identify the criminal network linked to the two suspects,” he said in a statement today.

He said the two were handed over to Taiwanese police representatives at KLIA yesterday to be brought back to the suspects’ country of origin.

Acryl Sani said police were committed to maintaining public peace and order.

“Police will also take security measures to ensure that Malaysia is not used as a transit or destination country for any party that violates the law,” he said.

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