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New Youth Model 2030 catalyst for Society 5.0
Published on: Friday, November 26, 2021
By: Bernama
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New Youth Model 2030 catalyst for Society 5.0
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob (middle)
Kota Kinabalu: The New Youth Development Model 2030 that is set to be launched next year is capable of being the catalyst for producing “Masyarakat 5.0” (Society 5.0) that can thrive both in the physical and virtual worlds.

National Youth and Sports Department Director-General Datuk Dr Wasitah Mohd Yusof said among the issues to be emphasised under the new model is youth digitalisation, that is to produce a smart generation in the next 10 years.

“We have considered the model last year and several factors also need to be focused on (in the model). Among them are current issues, changes caused by the country’s situation in terms of the economy and youths who have been affected during the (Covid-19) pandemic,” she told reporters after attending the State-level National Youth Consultative Council meeting, here, Thursday.

On Oct 30, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob had, at the 2021 National Youth Day celebrations, announced that the New Youth Development Model (MBPB) 2030 would be launched in March next year to intensify efforts to develop youth and nurture “Masyarakat 5.0” (Society 5.0) in the country. Wasitah said the new model was a guideline and framework that had been improved from the country’s existing youth policies.

“We must look at youths as treasure, meaning it is more important that we increase their capacity instead of viewing them as a liability,” she said.

Meanwhile, Sabah Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Ellron Angin said about 3.3 million of the State’s population comprised youths and that the State’s geographical factor and financial constraints were among the reasons why it was difficult to mobilise activities for youth development. However, Ellron said the distribution of various programmes had made easier for state youth and sports officers to reach out to youths living in remote areas in the State.

“This is to ensure that no youth group is left behind in the development of physical and human capital so that they also can enjoy the benefits of the national budget that was tabled recently,” he said.

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