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Memorable Psychology Day at IMU
Published on: Monday, December 11, 2023
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ON July 25, the IMU Psychology Department, in collaboration with the Psychology Club, hosted the annual Psychology Day at the IMU Bukit Jalil campus, taking place in its Atrium and Auditorium.

The objective of this event was to showcase the benefits of psychology to all students and staff, featuring a wide range of activities and events that spanned the entire day.

In preparation for this event, the Psychology Club members displayed remarkable proficiency in their assigned responsibilities, reinforcing our anticipation of another successful Psychology Day.

With the valuable support from the Psychology Department, particularly our club advisor, Dr Shamala A/P Ramasamy, our confidence in steering this event in the right direction was significantly boosted.

The finalised activities comprised booths showcasing a variety of psychology tools, including mirror tracing, Hanoi tower, biofeedback, and others.

Each of these booths was managed by student volunteers who had been briefed beforehand by Dr Joshua Ng Joo Hou to guarantee a seamless execution on the actual day.

One of the most interesting aspects of the booths was the mirror tracing station, complete with a leaderboard showcasing the top-performing five students in terms of the speed with which they completed the task.

The competitive spirit among IMU students led to frequent changes on the leaderboard as they vied for the coveted top position throughout the day.

Lee Ju Ee, one of the students, managed to secure the top spot with an impressive time of 10.2 seconds, eliciting joyous cheers of celebration.

Nonetheless, it was heartening to witness non-Psychology students enthusiastically taking part in the activities, which left the volunteers and members of the Psychology Club gratified for the hard work they had put in over the preceding months.

Additionally, a 3-minute pitch competition was held at the Auditorium to showcase the participants’ ability to pitch a thesis proposal.

The audience during the competition was exceptional, filled with IMU students from various programmes.

As part of the audience myself, it was a pleasure to watch the participants display their capabilities and confidence in front of a public crowd, assuring us that their potential to participate in similar competitions would be just as good, if not better.

One of the participants, Farah Nabila Lubis, emerged as the winner with her exceptional presentation on the Quantitative Analysis of Creative Self-Efficacy Among University Students in Malaysia.

All the presentations were carefully evaluated by three qualified judges from the Psychology Department.

Regardless, every participant did a remarkable job in presenting their respective thesis proposals, and their hard work was clearly reflected in their presentations.

The winner, along with the second and third-place achievers, received their prizes during a ceremony held in the Atrium at the day’s conclusion.

The highlight of the day was the launch of the University’s own Psychology & Counselling Learning Centre (PCLC).

The ceremony included a short tour inside the PCLC itself, introducing the lecturers and staff to the new facility that the university can take pride in.

The facility serves as a safe space for students to express themselves, as well as for trainee counsellors to gain experience before entering the working industry. Without a doubt, the PCLC serves a great purpose and is a valuable addition to IMU.

Overall, it was a splendid event that provided invaluable experience that cannot be replicated elsewhere.

The 3-year Bachelor of Science (Hons) Psychology at IMU has a curriculum that has been developed to meet high international standards.

Students have the option to complete the entire psychology degree in IMU or study part of the programme in IMU and transfer to University of Newcastle, Australia or the University of Strathclyde, UK for completion of their degree. 

The programme has also been accepted internationally for further specialisation at the graduate level.

In order to become a qualified psychologist, you will have to first complete your undergraduate degree in psychology, followed by a Master’s degree in one of the specialised areas of psychological practice. 

Intakes for the Psychology programme are in February and September.  If you enjoy thinking about the causes of human behavior and have a desire to help people manage their problems, apply now for a great start to an interesting and exciting career in psychology.

If you have just completed your SPM and do not have pre-university qualification, consider enrolling in the one-year IMU Foundation in Science, the preferred foundation and direct route for entry into any of the University’s local degree programmes. 

For more information, please refer to or email: [email protected] or call IMU at 03 – 2731 7272.

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