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Mojuntin deserves a posthumous SPDK
Published on: Sunday, February 27, 2022
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Statue of Peter Mojuntin at the heart of Donggongon town in Penampang.
YOUR paper’s investigative reports into the Double Six tragedy last year included an interview with Nancy, the widow of Datuk Peter Mojuntin in which she said she had a dream of his impending death in a crash a week before the incident.

However, according to her, he simply brushed it off saying its just a dream.

It added a further mystery into the tragedy, as if it was fated to happen.

So far we don’t see ex-CM Tan Sri Hariis Salleh living up to his promise to initiate legal action to force the Australian Government to disclose their findings.

As a Kadazan, I also feel that the significance of Peter to the community is forgotten. Bad enough he was denied the Huguan Siou title by Fuad Stephens, who by right should have passed it on to him when he converted, as holders of the title undergo unIslamic blessings from pagan Bobohizans.

Though he left us nearly 50 years ago, he should be bestowed the State’s highest honour SPDK posthumously.

We have had two Kadazan CMs with powers to confer that title but they also didn’t.

During the TYT birthday, hundreds of names come out receiving titles. Those names are submitted from all corners mostly political. 

Questions arise why the late Peter was left out. We hope that other unsung heroes in the state will also be remembered for their contributions.

Peter was born in Kampung Hungab, Penampang, on 10th October 1939. He was the third child of a difficult family. He received his early education at St. Mary’s Elementary School and St. Micheal’s Penampang and obtained the Cambridge Overseas School Certificate at Sacred Heart Secondary School, Tanjung Aru in 1957.

He served there from 1958 to 1960. During his tenure there, he was active in the Scout Movement at the school and was selected to represent the Penampang District attending the World Scout Jamboree in the Philippines in 1959.

After a few years, he had to quit his job as a teacher and get a job with the Colonial Development Cooperative. 

While there he was sent to Outward Bound school, Lumut to undergo a one-year Leadership Training Course. He graduated with distinction. Upon his return, he held the position of Executive Cadet. However, the job did not last.

In 1962, he began to be active in politics. During the first Local Government election, he was elected a Member of the Kota Kinabalu Rural District Council for Penampang district because of his talent as a leader. 

In addition to his abilities, his close relationship with Fuad Stephens also broadened his achievements in politics. 

He, together with Fuad Stephens and their followers, established Unko and later Upko.

In 1963, he became the first person from Sabah to represent Malaysia at the UN Assembly. 

He was also honored to speak at the Assembly. 1964 was a special time for him because that time he got married and set up his household. 

That same year, he represented Sabah at the World Youth Assembly in Massachussetts, USA. 

He also attended the Democratic Party Convention in Atlantic City, USA as an observer. 

In 1965, he took part in the International Conference of Socialist Youth held in Bombay, India. In connection with the holy year of 1975, he visited Rome, Italy.

During the first state general election, he was elected a member of the State Legislative Assembly for Moyog in 1967. 

In 1971, he was re -elected and given the post of Assistant Minister of Industrial Development. During the 1976 state general election, he was again elected a member of the State Legislative Assembly.

Although he was a busy person, he got involved in various volunteer activities. He served as the Chairman of the Penampang Parents and Teachers Association from 1967 to 1976. 

He had officiated many opening ceremonies and other ceremonies. 

As an active Christian, he had contributed a lot of time and energy for the good of the Christian community. 

He had chaired the Central Council of Penampang Parish and through his initiative, a building for the use of the Parish was realised.

During his tenure as the Chairman of the Kota Kinabalu Rural District Council, he was the main mover in efforts to increase the number of good roads in the Kota Kinabalu district and other public facilities. 

The Tun Fuad Stephens Hall building in Penampang and the Kota Kinabalu Rural District Council office building were erected through his efforts. 

He also chaired the Penampang Recreation Club and caused the establishment of a building for the use of the Recreation Club.

Unfortunately on 6th June 1976, while on duty, he died in the air crash. Such a shocking departure has been mourned and mourned. 

Nevertheless, the memories of the deceased will remain cherished by every human being who has known and loved him. 

As a token of remembrance of his services, the “Memorial of the late Datuk Peter J. Mojuntin” was built and has now been moved to the centre of Donggonggon Town which was officiated by Tan Sri Bernard G. Dompok with the blessing of MSGR. Rev Father Primus Jouil.

At the moment, only he and first PM Tunku Abdul Rahman have been immortalised in stone in Sabah.



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