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MA63 rights: Call to set up permanent task force
Published on: Tuesday, November 07, 2023
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MA63 rights: Call to set up permanent task force
To provide a clear direction, James said the joint task force should establish specific goals and objectives aligned with securing the rights of Sabah and Sarawak. 
Kota Kinabalu: Sabah and Sarawak should seriously consider establishing a permanent joint task force dedicated to advocating for their rights under the 1963 Malaysia Agreement (MA63), said former Petagas Assemblyman Datuk James Ligunjang. 

He said the task force could benefit both states in their pursuit for fair representation, resource allocation and equitable development with the Malayan states.

“To ensure effectiveness and inclusivity, the joint task force should have representatives from both states, including leaders, the Attorney-General’s chambers, experts and community representatives. 

“This diverse composition would help consider various perspectives and ensure a comprehensive approach when dealing with Putrajaya to comply with the Federal Constitution and MA63,” he said in a statement, Monday.

To provide a clear direction, James said the joint task force should establish specific goals and objectives aligned with securing the rights of Sabah and Sarawak. 

“These goals may include equal representation and participation in the Federal Government, addressing resource allocation and revenue-sharing issues and promoting sustainable development, he said.

“Regular meetings and dialogues between the leaders of Sabah and Sarawak will be instrumental in fostering understanding, trust and collaboration. 

“By discussing specific needs and challenges, these meetings can facilitate the creation of joint solutions that benefit both states.

“Public awareness and participation are crucial in advocating for the rights of Sabah and Sarawak. Initiatives such as public campaigns, community forums and education programmes can help engage and mobilise the people to actively support their rights and contribute to the development of their states.”

James said in addition to domestic efforts, seeking international support and cooperation can lend further credibility and resources to the cause. 

He said engaging with international organisations, countries like the United Kingdom and other diplomatic channels can offer additional leverage and visibility, given that the Malaysia Agreement 1963 is an international treaty under the Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties (1969).

“By fostering strong cooperation and collaboration between Sabah and Sarawak, significant progress can be made in asserting our rights under MA63. Let’s work together towards a more equitable future,” he said.  

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