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Communication channel between Sabah, Indonesia chambers
Published on: Wednesday, December 14, 2022
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Communication channel between Sabah, Indonesia chambers
Zhang shaking hands with Frankie while Sabah China Chamber of Commerce and Indonesian Chinese Chamber of Commerce leaders pose for the camera at the Bank of China Jakarta branch.
Kota Kinabalu: The Sabah China Chamber of Commerce (SCCC) and the Indonesian Chinese Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) will be establishing a communication channel as Chinese-funded enterprises and businessmen have achieved extraordinary results in Indonesia.

SCCC President Datuk Frankie Liew said the Chinese in Indonesia have been growing against the trend of the epidemic and driving the growth of the local economy, leading to optimism about the market and future business development.

The channel, he said, was for sharing information on projects and business activities, assisting members in business matching and exploring cooperation opportunities and collaboration.

Frankie led SCCC Deputy President Brett Chua, Public Relations Director Jacky Ho and life members Lo KK, Kapitan Foo, Robin Ng and Wong NK after meeting with the president of the ICCC when announcing the news recently.

Chairman of the China Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia and also the Country Manager of the Bank of China Jakarta Branch, Zhang Chaoyang, led a number of senior officers to receive the delegation of the SCCC at the branch office.

They were Shi Wenqing, General Manager of China Unicom (Indonesia) Operations Co., Ltd., and China Fortune Land Development Co., Ltd. Kang Zhaohui, President of the Indonesian Business Department of Ltd., Wang Peng, Business Development Director of Bank of China Jakarta Branch, Zhang Dong, Managing Director of China Mobile, and Cheng Jianbin, Managing Director of SITC Indonesia.

According to Zhang, the association currently has more than 300 members, with all members required to be from China, while they are the largest Chinese investment company in Indonesia with a broad business distribution.

“Business fields involving Chinese-funded enterprises in Indonesia have increased, not only occupying a large market in traditional power, resources, coal mines and other industries, but even iron smelting, new energy, Internet, real estate, while other industries have begun to expand their share. “Their members have participated in various large-scale Chinese businesses and projects in Indonesia, including state-owned enterprises, central enterprises, private enterprises, and the world’s top 500 companies,” he said in a statement.

He pointed out that Indonesia’s business environment is good, and with the promotion of Chinese technology, resources and enterprises have achieved very good development during the epidemic, driving the Indonesian economy very rapidly.

Frankie meanwhile said that the policy adopted by the current Indonesian President is open and conducive to international investors and businessmen. “I am also optimistic about the future market in Indonesia. I hope that our new Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will establish a good relationship with China to encourage more Chinese investments and business projects in Malaysia, and continue to give investors full confidence and support,” he said.

Both sides reached a consensus at the meeting that is for more engagements and communication channels in the future promising more business cooperation and collaboration.

ICCC will be establishing contact with the SCCC through the External Relations Department. It will develop business information exchange programs for various important industries, customers and projects, and business matching partners.

Both sides also believe that the relocation of Indonesia’s capital to Kalimantan will bring various cooperation between Sabah and Indonesia and even generate more business opportunities. They are expecting to establish partnerships in logistics and transportation in the future.

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