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Controversial Public Services Dept chief's termination confirmed
Published on: Tuesday, December 13, 2022
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Controversial Public Services Dept chief's termination confirmed
Mohd Shafiq was appointed as KPPA on Feb 10 this year to replace Tan Sri Mohd Khairul Adib Abd Rahman who went on compulsory retirement last Jan 16. (Bernama pic)
PETALING JAYA: Chief secretary to the government Zuki Ali has confirmed that the services of the director-general of public services (JPA), Shafiq Abdullah, have been terminated with effect from yesterday.

Zuki said the termination was carried out in line with Section 49(3) of the Civil Service (Behaviour and Discipline) Regulations.

In a statement, he also said the decision was made after all relevant Termination in the Public Interest (PDKA) procedures were followed and reviewed by the Attorney-General’s Chambers.

Zuki added that Shafiq will still be entitled to benefits as per Section 10(5)(d) of the Pensions Act 1980, where an officer’s employment has been terminated due to public interest.

Last night, FMT quoted informed insiders as saying the action was taken at the recommendation of the disciplinary board, which made the decision before the 15th general election was called.

This came after an image of a termination letter, purportedly the one issued to Shafiq, was posted on a Facebook page by a group calling themselves Pakatan Harapan supporters.

The letter said Shafiq’s services were terminated in the public interest and he was subject to compulsory retirement under Section 49(3) of the Civil Service (Behaviour and Discipline) Regulations, and Section 10(5)(d) of the Pensions Act.

In comments posted with the image, the group accused Shafiq of having threatened government officers in order to shut them up, promoting staff at his whims and fancies, and dismissing some without reason. It also accused then prime minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob of closing one eye to Shafiq’s transgressions.

Shafiq had been involved in controversy in August after an immigration officer complained that he had berated him in public. A high-level committee was later formed to carry out an investigation.

However, it is not known if the action against him was related to the incident.

An official complaint was lodged by the immigration department, which led to an investigation ordered by Zuki.

The investigation panel was headed by Attorney-General Idrus Harun and comprised Inspector-General of Police Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission chief Azam Baki and Auditor-General Nik Azman Nik Abdul Majid.

The committee made its recommendations in October but no details are available on its decision.

Shafiq had been secretary-general of the health ministry before being appointed to the JPA in February.

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