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Young Sabahans step forward
Published on: Monday, December 05, 2022
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Young Sabahans step forward
Masidi (fifth right) at the launching of Sayap.
Kota Kinabalu: The formation of the Sabah Young Entrepreneurs and Professionals Foundation (Sayap) augurs well with the State Government’s aspiration to build a quality human capital pool through the Hala Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya initiative, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor.“I am happy to learn that Sayap comprises professionals and entrepreneurs from various industries such as oil and gas, digital technology, economics and finance, medicine, construction and architecture, sustainable and renewable energy, social entrepreneurs as well as young State civil servants. “Most of you are already successful in your own right, hence I strongly support the formation of Sayap as an independent group to contribute to Sabah’s development. Well done!” he said at the launching of Sayap at the Marriot Hotel, here, Saturday. His speech was read by State Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun.

The Chief Minister said he was impressed by this initiative and the enthusiasm by a group of young Sabahans who have returned either from working or studying abroad and who wish to voluntarily contribute and participate in the development of Sabah. “I applaud and support Sayap’s initiatives to kick-start and provide a voice to this generation of upcoming Sabahan professionals and entrepreneurs. “I am happy to hear that Sayap aspires to be the bridge between the State Government agencies and across the private sectors and industries while supporting the State’s Hala Tuju SMJ Roadmap. “I want to hear from Sayap and all young Sabahans and also to offer you a platform where you can empower other young professionals and entrepreneurs to contribute to the State’s development,” he said. Hajiji said Sabah has the second largest population in Malaysia, which means it has a large pool of talents and potential customers. “Nevertheless, the State Government acknowledges the crucial issue of brain drain. As the Chief Executive of the State, I have stressed and prioritised the importance of human capital and included it as one of the main thrusts of the Hala Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya Development Plan. “We are committed to eradicating brain drain and building the strengths and skillsets through the various initiatives we have implemented,” he said. Hajiji, who is also Finance Minister, said RM175.61 million has been allocated in next year’s budget for human capital and ICT development through various initiatives to spur students’ interests in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), among others. He said the allocation will also involve bridging the digital gap in rural areas to expand digital coverage and spur digital transformation in Sabah. He added that ICT development in Sabah will also be given emphasis and the Sabah Skills and Technology Centre will be introducing initiatives to develop and support digital industry development while continuing the Industrial Revolution 4.0 technology training throughout next year. At the same time, the Sabah Creative Economic and Innovation Centre will also continue its programme to ensure Sabah’s human capital talent continues to be enhanced. Another achievement in the efforts to develop Sabah’s human capital was the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between University Technology Petronas and University College Sabah Foundation (UCSF) in October this year. Through the collaboration, he said UCSF will offer Oil and Gas based courses at its campus to produce more local students in various fields in this sector. 

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