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Hajiji impressed by 90-year-old Mount Kinabalu climber 
Published on: Thursday, October 13, 2022
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Hajiji impressed by 90-year-old Mount Kinabalu climber 
Hajiji having a friendly chat with Buatin (left). Seen behind in Buatin’s grandson Juil.
Kota Kinabalu: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor congratulated Buatin Balandong, a government retiree, on his recent success in scaling Mount Kinabalu at age 90.

Hajiji, who was impressed by Buatin’s ability and determination to conquer the highest mountain in Malaysia, presented Buatin with a “sigar” (tanjak) as an appreciation of his extraordinary success, at the Chief Minister’s office at Menara Kinabalu, here, Wednesday.

Buatin, from Papar, is the oldest climber to reach the top of Mount Kinabalu in early September while being led by his son.

“I feel happy for having the opportunity to meet and chat with the Chief Minister. This is very meaningful for me,” he said.

Buatin was accompanied by Limbahau Assemblyman Datuk Juil Nuatim and his two children Andrew and Doris. Juil is Buatin’s grandson, while Senior Private Secretary to the Chief Minister Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali is Buatin’s great-grandson.

“Even as an elderly person, Buatin is really great. So tenacious, strong and with good stamina...this is very unusual and impressive,” said Hajiji.

Sharing his experience of scaling Mount Kinabalu, Buatin said without a strong spirit, it is impossible for him to do it because on the day of the climb, it rained heavily, it was foggy and the weather was very cold.

“Thankfully, I managed to overcome all the challenges. That was my eighth climb. The last time I climbed Mount Kinabalu was in 2015, before the earthquake,” he said.

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