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20 new boats for Esszone patrols
Published on: Friday, September 23, 2022
By: Bernama
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20 new boats for Esszone patrols
He said the Joint Forces Headquarters was responsible for planning and implementing various types of joint training and operations, including coordinating the involvement and needs of the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) under United Nations programmes.
SEMPORNA: The Joint Forces Headquarters 2 (ATB2) based in Tawau will receive 20 new boats next year to strengthen enforcement against cross-border crimes, said Joint Forces Commander Lt Gen Datuk Yazid Arshad.

He said these sophisticated boats would be used for security patrols in the Eastern Sabah Security Zone (Esszone).

“These new assets are sorely needed to facilitate ATB2 teams in patrols to ensure the security of residents in maritime areas,” he told reporters after the Civil Military Cooperation (CIMIC) programme on Pulau Denawan, here, Thursday.

He said the Joint Forces Headquarters was responsible for planning and implementing various types of joint training and operations, including coordinating the involvement and needs of the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) under United Nations programmes.

“The implementation of operations involving ATB2 and other security agencies brings various positive results, including giving confidence to investors, tourists and the local community,” he said.

On Thursday’s programme, Yazid said it was aimed at exposing the people to the role of MAF and encouraging them to be involved in certain aspects of national defence.

“Apart from promoting the concept of motivation in education, health and cleanliness, the programme also gives contributions to residents of Pulau Denawan,” he said.

Meanwhile, Sekolah Kebangsaan Pulau Denawan headmaster Aziz Jaafar expressed his gratefulness to Joint Forces Headquarters for giving computers, bags and school uniforms to 65 students.

Pulau Denawan, located on the east coast of Sabah, has a population of about 3,000 comprising mainly fishermen.

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