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Najib’s 1MDB trial to resume on Sept 26
Published on: Wednesday, September 14, 2022
By: FMT, Ho Kit Yen
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Najib’s 1MDB trial to resume on Sept 26
Former prime minister Najib Razak is currently warded in Hospital Kuala Lumpur for further tests.
Kuala Lumpur: Najib Razak’s 1MDB trial will continue on Sept 26 before the High Court.

Najib’s lawyer Shafee Abdullah told the court Najib was currently warded in Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL), and that doctors were conducting daily tests on the former prime minister.

Shafee said the prisons department had passed the legal team a medical certificate issued by HKL, saying that Najib was unfit to attend court on Sept 14 and 15.

The lawyer said he had met Najib earlier today at HKL, after a wait of three hours.

“He said he was not surprised that he has to remain in the hospital because of the number of tests he has to do.

“The doctors have restored his medicine to the original one, and my client’s blood pressure level is beginning to come down but it is still not satisfactory.

“Contrary to what was said in the news, the generic (medicine) might not be as effective as the original,” Shafee said.

Trial judge Collin Lawrence Sequerah then said the court would vacate Thursday’s hearing date.

“I hope he gets better by then (Sept 26),” he said.

Shafee replied: “I suppose (Najib will get well), given the time”.

Earlier this week, the hearing was convened for only half-a-day after the prosecution said Najib needed to see a doctor.

Najib’s special officer Mukhlis Maghribi had said the former prime minister underwent a scope procedure last week where doctors discovered stomach ulcers.

While it had been a recurring problem for the past 15 years, new ulcers were discovered, he said.

Mukhlis claimed Najib had requested to undergo further observation at HKL but the request was denied and he was discharged. He added that Najib’s medication was changed from the one he had been taking for years.

Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah later said Najib was admitted to HKL last Friday over an elective, non-urgent case.

Noor Hisham said the specialists who treated Najib had agreed to allow the former prime minister to be discharged.

He also said that the specialists who attended to Najib were the heads of their respective fields.

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