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Filipina charged with assaulting woman at cafe
Published on: Thursday, September 08, 2022
By: Jo Ann Mool
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Filipina charged with assaulting woman at cafe
Laudena, who has no valid identification document, was ordered to be further remanded.
Kota Kinabalu: A Filipina café assistant was charged in the Magistrate’s Court, Wednesday, for assaulting a woman last month.

Laudena Fulache Nazareno, 36, pleaded not guilty before Magistrate Stephanie Sherron Abbie to causing hurt to Bainati Wan Ramli at 2am on Aug 31 at the Village Café, Bandaran Berjaya.

The charge under Section 323 of the Penal Code carries a jail term of up to one year or fine or both, on conviction.

The magistrate fixed Sept 26 for pre-trial case management.

Laudena, who has no valid identification document, was ordered to be further remanded.

In another case, nine people were penalised for committing drug-related offences.

Eight of them – Mazlan Imal, Mahindee Saidun, Felex Payang, Lo Vun Fui, Venliver Udin, Rajemin Dullah, Akino Haja and Md Haiqal Amiludin pleaded guilty to taking syabu.

Mazlan and Mahindee were each fined RM2,800 or 10 months jail.

Felex, Lo, Venliver and Rajemin, who appeared before Magistrate Lovely Natasha Charles, were fined RM1,800 or five months jail each, while Akino and Haiqal were each jailed five month by the same magistrate.

Taking drugs under Section 15(1) of the Dangerous Drugs Act provides for a fine of up to RM5,000 or up to two years jail, conviction.

Meanwhile, Agku Mohd Azrin was fined RM2,600 or 11 months jail after he pleaded guilty to having 0.16gm syabu at Kg Air on July 8 this year.

The charge under Section 12 (2) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 provides for a fine of up to RM100,000 or up to five years jail or both on conviction.

Inspectors Albert Basiri and Kelvan Elson Maik prosecuted.

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