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Chinese role in State’s econ growth acknowledged
Published on: Monday, September 05, 2022
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Chinese role in State’s econ growth acknowledged
Hajiji (centre) with Dr Joachim and invited guests as well as Chinese community leaders cutting the Moon Cake, in conjunction with the Lantern Festival celebration.
THE Chinese community plays an important role in the economic development of the State, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor.

Paying tribute to the community for their contribution, he urged them to continue being a key component in Sabah’s economic development.

“In the aspect of development and generating the economy, we give opportunities to all people, including the Chinese community. It cannot be denied that the Chinese community plays a big role in the economic development of the State.

“Chinese people are known as smart people in business and their role in the economy is very important.

“The Government of the day cares and has always been open, including in giving opportunities to every investment that comes for economic development as well as job opportunities for the people in the State,” he said when officiating the Lantern Festival in conjunction with the Moon Cake Festival at Lido Square, Kota Kinabalu, on Aug 28.

Also present were Deputy Chief Minister cum Industrial Development Minister Datuk Dr Joachim Gunsalam; Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister Datuk Abidin Madingkir; SAPP President Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee; Kota Kinabalu Mayor Datuk Noorliza Awang Alip; Sabah Community Development Leader Unit (UPPM) Director Datuk Matbali Musah and Luyang Community Development Leader Gee Tian Siong.

The Chief Minister said the Gabungan Rakyat Sabah-Barisan Nasional (GRS-BN) State Government will continue to fight for the people of Sabah regardless of race, including protecting the interests of the Chinese community who will continue to be looked after by the Government.

“We also want the Chinese community to continue to support the Government of the day because we are doing our best for the development of the State and its people,” he said Hajiji.

Regarding the event, Hajiji said the State Government always supports the people of various races and religions in Sabah to celebrate their respective cultural activities.

He said the freedom to celebrate each other’s culture makes Sabah a unique and harmonious State.

“We need to continue this harmony in diversity. We are free to celebrate our own festivals and this is what makes our country unique.

“Like tonight, the Chinese community here (Luyang) is celebrating the Lantern Festival and we are celebrating it together. This kind of atmosphere needs to continue forever and we are united as Malaysians in Sabah.

“I feel very happy to be present tonight and I see many Chinese people come to celebrate the Lantern Festival,” he said.

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