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Ombak livestreams its way into records book
Published on: Tuesday, August 30, 2022
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Ombak livestreams its  way into records book
The certificates were presented by Malaysia Book of Records chief operating officer Christopher Wong at the Sabah International Convention Centre. Ombak programme director Stanley Missun was also present.
Kota Kinabalu: Sabah Tamparuli Bamboo Music Orchestra Association (Ombak) efforts to promote the State tourism industry through a 24-hour non-stop broadcast via Facebook has been recognised in the Malaysia Book of Records.

From August 21-22, a total of 48 tour operators from across the State participated in the full-day campaign, which was streamed live on the CR Stanley Malaysia Facebook page.

On Sunday (Aug 28), state Assistant Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Environment cum Sabah Tourism Board chairman Datuk Joniston Bangkuai witnessed the presentation of the Malaysia Book of Records certificates to those involved in making the Longest Nonstop Live Broadcasting Tourism Fair – 24HR a success.

The certificates were presented by Malaysia Book of Records chief operating officer Christopher Wong at the Sabah International Convention Centre. Ombak programme director Stanley Missun was also present.

Joniston praised the group’s dedication to spreading the word about Sabah’s many tourist hotspots, especially its rural gems, and expressed hope that such an initiative would continue.

“‘Malaysia Truly Asia’ is a popular tagline used to promote Malaysia as a tourist destination for international visitors. Through cultural diversity, friendliness of its people, and the richness of its flora and fauna, Sabah promises a new and interesting experience for tourists. This is our advantage.

“Ombak’s initiative to hold The Malaysia Book of Records – Longest Nonstop Live Broadcasting Tourism Fair 24 HR is timely in relation to our efforts to attract more tourists to Sabah.

“This allows tourism operators, particularly those in rural areas, to introduce their products. While we congratulate the organisers on their achievement, we also hope that their efforts reach the intended audience,” he said.

Joniston also expressed gratitude to the event’s sponsors for their participation and support, which included funding scholarships for deserving young people to pursue careers in the tourism industry.

“This is the benefit that we want to see in a programme like this, where not only business owners have the opportunity to market their respective tourist destinations, but also our local young people have the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience in the field of tourism,” he added.

In the event, Jesselton University College sponsored RM1.5 million worth of scholarship for B40 youth. The scholarship will benefit 100 people.

Meanwhile, Ombak is attempting to break another record in December by holding a similar tourism fair that will be broadcast live for 48 hours.

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