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Court action against defectors
Published on: Wednesday, June 08, 2022
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Court action against defectors
Shafie and Rina
Kota Kinabalu: Shafie said Warisan would need to build its house after six elected representatives left, the latest being Kukusan assemblywoman Rina Jainal who joined unknown Parti Harapan Rakyat Sabah on Sunday.

Others who have quit since the 2020 Sabah State Elections were Lahad Datu MP cum Segama assemblyman Datuk Mohamaddin Ketapi, Melalap assemblyman Peter Anthony, Sebatik assemblyman Hassan A Gani Pg Amir, Sindumin assemblyman Datuk Dr Yusof Yaacob and Limbahau assemblyman Juil Nuatim.

“For the elected representatives that have left Warisan, we will take court action because they have signed an agreement and made a pledge with the party,” said Shafie.

On Rina, Shafie said he was told that she had signed a document but had no idea “how much she get” which they cannot prevent. He said Warisan in Tawau, Kalabakan is still strong even though many had been trying to weaken it.

He reminded Rina that she only won with a majority of 10 votes in the last election, adding the party had helped her painstakingly during the election as the struggles of Warisan involved a lot of sacrifices in order to bring changes to the people of Sabah and Malaysia.

As the 15th General Election is approaching, Shafie urged the people to bring drastic changes in the country so that they can put Malaysia in a reform system. “Malaysia is a multiracial country, what is important is not race and religion, but the issues that are close to the people such as the prices of goods, health, education and employment,” he said. These are the concerns of the people who are not interested on the political parties forming coalition or tents here and there, but no solutions to address country’s economy woes which is getting worse.

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