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Measures to boost education in Sabah underway
Published on: Monday, May 30, 2022
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Measures to boost education in Sabah underway
Dr Arifin (middle) witnessing the presentation of RM10,000 in a mock cheque as a contribution from MUIS to Farizal (second right) from Sandakan District Mosque Management committee while others look on.
SANDAKAN: The government is committed to further strengthening the education system in Sabah through several initiatives amounting to RM35 million.

Special Tasks Minister Datuk Dr. Arifin Mohd Arif said the RM35 million initiative, which includes the School Parents Teachers Association Activity Assistance (BAGUS), Sabah School Charity Assistance (BISBAH) and the Sabah Education Excellence Award (AKSA), is expected to strengthen and boost the quality of the state’s education system.

“The BAGUS initiative is a one-off assistance of RM2,000 given to the school’s Parents Teachers Association (PTAs) to help implement the activities that have been planned.

“A total of 1,500 PTAs will be able to enjoy this initiative, including national school PTAs, secondary schools, state religious schools and Chinese school PTAs.

“The BISBAH initiative is in the form of education teaching material assistance (ABM) for schools to facilitate the implementation of teaching to students and this assistance includes computer equipment, printers, desks and chairs which are expected to benefit 1,500 schools in Sabah.

“The next initiative is Aksa, the State Government’s Special Award which recognises Sabah’s children who excel in the field of Co-Curriculum either from the state or international level, apart from the award we also give them prizes,” he said.

Dr Arifin said this to reporters during the ‘Malam Jalinan Kasih Programme Aidil Fitri at the Sandakan Mosque here, recently.

Arifin also announced another aid that has been approved by the Chief Minister which is currently in implementation, namely RM100 aid to children born this year.

“The Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Haji Noor has also approved RM100 assistance to children born this year as their school fund and this is a good initiative to educate children to save from a young age, this program is jointly undertaken by the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN),” he said.

At the ceremony, Dr Arifin also presented letters of appointment to 17 members of the Mosque Committee and Dakwah Committee besides witnessing the donation of RM10,000 and RM5,000 from Muis and Baitulmal to the management of the Sandakan District Mosque, and the Mosque Management also contributed donations to underprivileged people, surau and selected welfare centres.

Also present were Sabah Islamic Religious Affairs Department (Jheains) Director Datuk Saifulzaman Sangol, Sungai Manila State Assemblyman Mokran Ingkat, Sandakan Municipal Council Deputy President II Farizal Setoh and Sabah State Baitulmal Corporation Chairman Dr. Omar Rasul As Salam Syah Datuk Sulaiman Omar.

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