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Selling cooking oil without permit: Fisherman gets jail
Published on: Friday, April 01, 2022
By: Cynthia D Baga
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Selling cooking oil without permit: Fisherman gets jail
Kota Kinabalu: A 48-year-old fisherman was jailed six months for having 323 bags of cooking oil without a permit.

Sessions Court Judge Elsie Primus handed the sentence to Mohamad Adilon who pleaded guilty to the charge against him.

Mohamad was found illegally in possession of the controlled items at 8am on March 17 this year inside an outboard engine boat in Pulau Lingkutan at Pulau Bangi, Kudat.

The offence, under Section 21(1) of the Supply Control Act 1961, carries a fine of up to RM1 million or a jail term of up to three years, or both, on conviction.

The court ordered Mohamad to serve the jail sentence from the date of his arrest on March 17 this year and the boat with the other seized equipment to be forfeited to the Government of Malaysia.

During mitigation, Mohamad asked for leniency saying that he has five children.

However, the prosecution urged the court to impose a deterrent sentence and the items seized including the boat and cooking oil to be forfeited.

Meanwhile, a 40-year-old man was sent to prison six years and ordered to get a stroke of the cane for robbing a woman.

Nazri Matanang was handed the punishment after he maintained his guilty plea when his case was brought up for facts and sentencing.

He had robbed one Farah Amirah Maksud, 28, by grabbing her wallet containing MyKad, driving licence, ATM cards and RM350 cash.

The incident took place at 9.20am on May 25, 2021 in front of the 7-Eleven outlet in Alamesra.

Nazri was ordered to serve the jail sentence from the date of his arrest on May 29, 2021.

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