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More Chinese supporting the GRS government, says Star
Published on: Thursday, February 10, 2022
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More Chinese supporting the GRS government, says Star
Kitingan (centre) receiving membership forms from former Kapitan Cina Lim Shin Min while Chua (right) looks on.
Kota Kinabalu: There is growing confidence among the Chinese community that the GRS State Government has what it takes to improve Sabah socio-economically, says Parti Solidariti Tanahairku (Sabah Star) Vice President Kenny Chua.

He said in a statement on Wednesday that this was evident after 250 Chinese community members from various associations and family clans ,including cab drivers from around Kota Kinabalu joining Sabah Star, a component of the ruling coalition.

“Although it’s a small number to shout about, it’s still meaningful as it shows their belief in the vision and mission of our party and the GRS. “No doubt, the current State Government is serious in developing Sabah despite the Covid-19 and challenging economic climate. We need the people to be behind us and it’s encouraging to see that more people from the Chinese community are lending us their support,” said Chua.

The joining of the new party members was held in a dinner held in conjunction with Chinese New Year celebration at Wong Kwok restaurant in Luyang. Party President Datuk Seri Dr Jeffrey Kitingan was the guest of honour at the dinner.

“It’s very heart warning to see that all of them were ordinary people from the Chinese community,” he noted.

According to Chua, it was also encouraging to see that many of the new members were Chinese youths.

“Knowing that they are supporting us makes us believe that we’re on the right track in our struggle for Sabah and Sabahans. After all, these young people are the present and future of Sabah. Our struggle is for them. Now, we see that they are fighting together with us for the prosperity of our state,” he said.

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