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Huazong hopes ‘Lucky Tiger’ will bring prosperity
Published on: Sunday, January 30, 2022
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Huazong hopes ‘Lucky Tiger’ will bring prosperity
Huazong President Tan Sri T.C. Goh
Kuala Lumpur: Huazong President Tan Sri T.C. Goh hopes ushering in the “Lucky Tiger” will bring greater stability and prosperity for the country this year.

He said in an annual poll last year, Malaysians’ selection of the Chinese character “?” (pàn), which means “to hope for”, as the word of the year fully reflected Malaysians’ ardent hope for things to improve, in all aspects, this year. “This year, after sending off the hardworking and stoic ox, we hope the ushering in of the tiger, which embodies the characteristics of strength and courage, will dispel all the sadness and misfortunes which we experienced last year, and bring us a promising year,” he said in his 2022 Chinese New Year message.

He acknowledged that in the past two years, despite the fact that the entire world was badly devastated by the Covid-19 pandemic, not only the medical experts and epidemiologists throughout the world did not give up hope, they even united to fight against the pandemic.

Goh, who is also President of the Federation of Chinese Associations Sabah (FCAS), noted that last year, besides fighting Covid-19, Malaysia also officially joined the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) initiative led by China, which will officially come into force on March 18, this year. “This effectively made Malaysia the 12th nation to participate in the largest free trade region in the world covering 15 nations with a total population of 2.2 billion or one-third of the total world population.

“This year is also the first lunar New Year for the Parikatan Nasional-led Federal Government and Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob since he was appointed the 9th Prime Minister of Malaysia.

“We also hope that the Chinese community in the country, which constitutes only 23pc of the total population, could strive to better unite themselves, and at the same time to join forces with fellow Malaysians of various races to better contribute to our country in the true spirit of the “Malaysian Family”.

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