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Express reporters win big
Published on: Sunday, December 12, 2021
By: Anthea Peter
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Express reporters win big
The team from Daily Express, Harian Ekspress and OCDN with their awards.
Kota Kinabalu: Daily Express again proved its reporting on issues is the best  by bagging both the Journalism and Reporting awards at the 2021 Kinabalu Press Awards (KPA), Friday night.

Daily Express, Harian Ekspres and sister paper OCDN bagged 19 awards this year at the event at Shangri-La’s Tanjung Aru Resort and Spa. The awards were resumed after a two-year break due to the Covid-19 lockdowns.

Senior journalist Sherell Ann Jeffrey took home the main Journalism prize plus RM5,000 for a series of reports on the HIV problem in Sabah.

Special Writer Kan Yau Cheong won a merit prize in the same category.

The Daily Express also won the main prize in the News Reporting category with its reports on the collapse of the Warisan-Plus State Government after just two years in power. The team comprised Hayati Dzulkifli, Larry Ralon, Joan Mool, Cynthia D Baga, Ricardo Unto, Sherell Ann Jeffrey, Anthea Peter, Stefyanie Myla Micheal, Efa Rizan, Yayasan Dalimpos, Jeremy Zabala, Christy Chok, Winnie Kasmir and Alex Ong.

Leonard Alaza won a merit in the Sports Journalism category with his reports on Esports. Ricardo Unto won merits under the Entertainment, Culture and Arts Reporting category as well as for his photo titled “Tangkisan” under the Sports Photography category. Daily Express Contributor Lorena Binisol and Anthea Peter won merits for their reports under the Business and Economic Reporting category.

In the Broadcast Television and Video category, the Daily Express team won a merit for the video “Breaking the chain” on the Covid-19. The team comprised Anthea Peter, Clarence Dol, Iffah Dilaney, Mardinah Jikur and Ricardo Unto.

Harian Ekspres won one main award through Siti Kazalinah Kamaludin and three merit prizes while its sister paper Overseas Chinese Daily News (OCDN) bagged six merit awards. Earlier, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Mohd Noor said the State Government decided to increase its annual contribution to the Kinabalu Press Awards from RM60,000 to RM100,000 as it acknowledged the important role that the media played in  development in the state. He said the State Government always recognised the mainstream media as one of its important partners in helping to disseminate government policies and development. He added that good journalism played an important role in society and that journalists were able to influence the thinking of the people through reporting and even change the political landscape of a country. “In this regard, journalists need to report wisely. I am happy the media in Sabah have carried out their duties with pride and honour,” he said.

Hajiji noted that adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic caused certain media outlets to shut down and urged media companies in Sabah to revise their business models as what is being done by media houses across the world. “I believe it is still a lucrative business and it is a matter of packaging your contents to draw your readers and advertisers,” he said.

The Kinabalu Press Awards is organised by the Sabah Journalists Association (SJA) in collaboration with the State Government, Shell Malaysia and Petronas.

Meanwhile, SJA President Datuk Mugunthan Vanar thanked the State Government for continuously protecting the interests of the press during the pandemic. “The Sabah government has helped us in many ways from giving out financial assistance to journalists under the B40 group to getting us all vaccinated early,” he said. 

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