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Filipino sentenced to 5 months for breaking Pulau Gaya EMCO
Published on: Thursday, November 18, 2021
By: Jo Ann Mool
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Filipino sentenced to 5 months for breaking Pulau Gaya EMCO
Kota Kinabalu: A paperless Filipino was sentenced to five months’ jail by the Magistrate’s Court here Wednesday for escaping from Kg Pondo, Pulau Gaya which has been placed under the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO), four months ago.

Boya Alaham, 50, pleaded guilty before Magistrate Jessica Ombou Kakayun to move out from the area to the Safma market at 1.30am on July 6.

According to the facts of the case presented by the prosecution, Boya was among five people arrested by police at Safma market for violating the EMCO at Kg Pondo, Pulau Gaya.

Investigations revealed that Boya confessed that he went to the said market from his house in at Kg Pondo, Pulau Gaya as he wanted to earn some money by pushing fish barrels at the market without any authorisation letter from the police.

Boya was also found to have no identification documents, said prosecuting officer Inspector Albert Basiri.

He was charged under Rule 6(1) of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measure within the Infected Local Areas) Regulations 2021 punishable under Rule 17(1) of the same Regulations which provides for a fine of up to RM50,000 or a jail term of up to six months or both on conviction.

Unrepresented, Boya requested a lenient sentence.

In another case, a 28-year-old Filipina was jailed one month for having illegal gambling paraphernalia.

Milyn Bartasan admitted before Magistrate Lovely Natasha Charles to having two illegal lottery slips at 5pm on Oct 14 at a shop in Kg Lobou, Manggatal.

She was charged under Section 9(1) of the Common Gaming House Act carries a jail term of up to six months, or fine of up to RM3,000, or both, on conviction.

Earlier, Inspector Kelvan Elson Maik told the court that the police arrested Milyn following information on the sale of 4D tickets without licence at the said place.

Milyn confessed to having carried out the activity two months before she was arrested.

Both Boya and Milyn were ordered to serve the imprisonment sentences from the date of their arrest and ordered to be referred to the Immigration Department thereafter.

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