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Nearly 100pc govt staff vaccinated
Published on: Saturday, October 16, 2021
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Nearly 100pc govt staff vaccinated
Bernama pic for illustration only.
Kota Kinabalu: Some 97 per cent of civil servants in Sabah have been vaccinated to date, said State Public Service Department Director-General Datuk Datu Rosmadi Sulai.

Citing records from the Human Resource Information System (SM2), he said a total of 19,571 civil servants have been vaccinated under the immunisation programme, which is 97 per cent of the total 20,174 civil servants in Sabah.

Additionally, Rosmadi said, the State Government will make it a requirement for new civil servants to be fully vaccinated and to pass their self-health evaluation in the recruiting process.

“This move is in line with the Government's efforts to increase confidence and trust among the public when dealing in government buildings as well as to restore public services to maximum capacity under the National Recovery Plan,” he said. He said this when officiating the closing ceremony of the Wisma Wanita Vaccination Centre (PPV) at the Wisma Wanita Grand Balllroom, here, Friday.

The Wisma Wanita PPV was officially closed on Friday after nearly five months of operating since June 13. The PPV had administered the Covid-19 vaccine to a total of 12,709 civil servants.

Rosmadi said the Wisma Wanita PPV initially catered to civil servants working on the ground, and was later opened to all civil servants on duty around Kota Kinabalu.

Rosmadi said until Oct 10, some 6,757 civil servants have received their first dose, while 5,455 completed both doses at the PPV.

“A total of 425 state and federal civil servants from 10 different agencies have volunteered for duty at the PPV Wisma Wanita on either full-time or part-time basis. In addition, retired nurses and physicians also came forward to volunteer.

“Their sacrifice of time and energy is something to be very proud of as they have made a great contribution towards accelerating the vaccination rate in Malaysia, especially in Sabah.

“The vaccination rate (of civil servants) is a result of the sacrifices made by those on duty (at the Wisma Wanita PPV), which also contributed to Kota Kinabalu’s 92 per cent vaccination rate of adults aged 18 and above.

“Well done and congratulations to all Wisma Wanita PPV staff who have made the sacrifice to ensure that the vaccination programme runs smoothly," he said. Also present during the closing ceremony were Deputy State Secretary cum Sabah Covid-19 Immunisation Task Force (CITF) Director Datuk Masnah Matsalleh, Sabah Department of Women's Affairs (Jhewa) Director Rusnah Kuyung as Wisma Wanita PPV Host, City Hall (DBKK) Director of Corporate Affairs Department Faradillah Abdul Rani as DBKK Mayor representative and Dr Prabakaran Solomon Dhanaraj as State Health Department (JKNS) representative.

During the ceremony, Rosmadi presented certificates of appreciation to representatives of all departments and bodies involved in making the immunisation programme at the Wisma Wanita PPV a success.

They were presented to State Public Service staff representative Mohammad Effendi Jamaludin, Federal Public Service staff representative Saiful Mukharrom Mohd Tahrir, JKNS representative Dr Suhaila Osman, MyVac volunteers representative Mohd Nazzim Abu Hassan and People’s Volunteer Crops (Rela) KK representative, Rela Officer Mohd Bakry Mohd Baily.



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