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Sabah’s Covid-19 cases dip to 2,136; 33 deaths
Published on: Monday, September 06, 2021
By: Anthea Peter
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Sabah’s Covid-19 cases dip to 2,136; 33 deaths
Kota Kinabalu: Sabah’s cases dipped to 2,136 on Sunday while 33 deaths were recorded throughout the State – 12 in Tawau, seven in Kota Kinabalu, three each in Kalabakan and Tuaran, two each in Lahad Datu and Penampang and one each in Kudat, Papar, Putatan and Semporna.

Sabah’s Covid-19 spokesperson Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun said two clusters were identified, namely the Koyah Cluster in Kinabatangan and Pagar Sebrang Cluster in Keningau.

The Koyah Cluster stemmed from a 43-year-old male general worker at an oil palm estate in Mukim Sukau, who was tested positive at the Mabello Paris Health Clinic on Aug 20.

“The index case had experienced symptoms since Aug 17 and has been referred to the Kinabatangan Hospital for further treatment,” said Masidi in a statement, Sunday, adding that contact screenings found another 25 positive among social contacts.

The Pagar Sebrang Cluster was sparked at a detention centre involving Mukim Sebrang, Lingkudau and Luagan in the Keningau District.

“The index case is a 40-year-old male prison officer at the moral guidance (bimbingan akhlak) detention centre.

“On Aug 25, the Keningau Health Office received the index case’s positive results from Kg Kadalakan Keningau, which was reported from the Keningau Police Headquarters' temporary quarantine centre through close contact screening,” said Masidi.

He added that the index case was likely infected by his family members, which then spread to his colleagues, prisoners under his watch as well as other family members. There are 29 cases in this cluster to date.

On Sabah’s caseload, Kota Kinabalu topped the list with 357 cases, followed by Sandakan (332), Papar (211), Tawau (157), Lahad Datu (116), Kota Marudu (108), Tuaran (102) and Penampang (92).

“KK’s cases decreased by 98, and except for Tawau, other urban centres such as Sandakan, Penampang and Tuaran also recorded a decrease in cases. Tuaran’s cases went down by 100,” said Masidi.

He said out of the caseload, 962 are overdue cases from two to three days ago, 102 cases from four to five days ago and 144 from more than five days ago.

Close contacts continued to be the largest contributor with 1,280 cases (57.9 per cent), while symptomatic cases accounted for 26.6 per cent of the caseload with 569 cases. Masidi said districts recording a substantial number of symptomatic cases include KK (37 per cent), Tawau (33.7pc), Penampang (32.6pc) and Sandakan (27.7pc).

Of the caseload, 25 cases involved babies less than a year old, 166 involved one to five-year-olds, 384 involved six to 17-year-olds, 1,356 involved 18 to 59-year-olds, whereas 205 cases involved those aged above 60 years. The caseload also comprised 1,847 Malaysians and 289 non-Malaysians, 2,088 local cases and 48 imported cases, while 1,192 are unvaccinated and 675 have completed both doses.

Masidi said category two infections make up the bulk of the caseload with 1,261 cases, while 688 are in category one.

“Patients under category three, four and five remain relatively high. There are 15 in category three, 10 in category four and 13 in category five,” he said.

Some 2,941 Covid-19 patients have been discharged from the hospital while 4,831 patients are currently receiving treatment at hospitals and low risk quarantine and treatment centres (PKRCs).

Masidi said 200 patients are under critical care, with 129 in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)/repurposed critical care as well as 71 in the open ward (high dependency ward (HDW)/acute cubicle), with 83 needing ventilator support.

He added that Sabah’s bed capacity is at 7,481 units with a bed occupancy rate of 64.47 per cent.

On Sabah’s immunisation programme, Masidi said 43.3 per cent of Sabah’s adult population have been fully vaccinated, while 61.8 per cent have completed their first dose, as of Sept 4.

Under phase two, 13,754 individuals received their first dose on Sunday, bringing the tally to 1,635,165, while 22,216 have received their second dose, bringing the tally to 1,124,871.

Meanwhile, four localities will be placed under Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) starting Sept 7 until 20, namely Kg Tetabuan, Beluran, Kg Matagang, Keningau, Taman Pantai Lok Kawi, Papar and Kg Kilanas, Ranau.

The existing EMCO in Kg Buanog Matunggong, Kudat, will be extended on the same dates, while EMCOS in Kg Pukat, Tanjung Batu, Tawau and Kg Balung Cocos, Tawau will be lifted on Sept 6.


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