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Filipino jailed for life
Published on: Friday, March 26, 2021
By: Bernama
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Filipino jailed for life
Brandishing pistol against fisherman
TAWAU: A 51-year-old Filipino was sentenced by the Sessions Court here to life imprisonment for brandishing a pistol to a fisherman while robbing him at Semporna waters last year.

Garcia Jannah pleaded guilty before Judge Awang Kerisnada Awang Mahmud recently to exhibiting a Colt 45 pistol to one Rasmin Rais, 37, with intention to cause death or injury at 4pm on May 14, 2020 at the Tanjung Sibalis, Semporna.

Garcia committed the offence along with an accomplice still at large.

He was charged under Section 4 of the Firearms Act (Increased Penalty) 1971 which carries life imprisonment and whipping not less than six times.

Meanwhile, another man Pancaragam Basrah, 48, was jailed three years for dishonestly receiving a 15hp outboard engine from Garcia.

Pancaragam admitted to receiving the engine, which was stolen in a gang-robbery, at 2pm on May 19, 2020 in a house at Kg Hampalan, Semporna.

He was charged under Section 412 of the Penal Code, which carries a jail term of up to 20 years and liability of a fine on conviction.

Both Garcia and Pancaragam, who supposedly stand trial to their respective charges, changed their plea to guilty.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Kershanathan Pathmanathan informed the court the victim Rasmin with his two children were fishing at Tanjung Sibalis waters, Bum Bum island when they were robbed by two masked men.

One of the men brandished a pistol at Rasmin before taking away a 15hp outboard engine and sped off towards Boheyan island, Semporna, the court heard.

Acting on information, the police together with other enforcement team conducted a special operation and went to Pulau Nusa Tengah, Semporna on May 19, 2020 and arrested a man, later identified as Garcia, who was trying to flee on a boat under the stilt house, said Kershanathan.

The police also found a semi auto pistol and a face mask inside a pail on the boat.

Kershanathan said Pancaragam was also arrested later on the same day.

Kershanathan said further investigations led by investigations officer Inspector Muhammad Nur Faez Hazreeq, revealed that the seized pistol was bought for 15,000 peso  (RM1,280.55) in Sitangkai, Philippines and that Garcia confessed to selling the outboard machine to Pancaragam for RM500.

Both Garcia and Pancaragam, who were not represented, requested for leniency by saying that they have children and ageing parents that needed their support.

DPP Kershanathan pressed for a deterrent sentence because such crimes were very prevalent in Sabah especially near Tawau while adding that Garcia used a deadly weapon to commit the crime.


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