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Unregistered goods: Beauty company fined RM35,000
Published on: Tuesday, February 23, 2021
By: Jo Ann Mool
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Unregistered goods: Beauty company fined RM35,000
Reuters pic
Kota Kinabalu: A beauty company was fined RM35,000 by the Sessions Court here, Monday, for having nine types of unregistered products three years ago.

De Blanc Dermatology (Sabah) Sdn Bhd, represented by one of its directors, pleaded guilty before Judge Ummu Kalthom Abdul Samad to committing the offence at 11am on Oct 18, 2018 at its premises on the first floor of Block C, at 88 Market Place, Jalan Pintas here.

The company was found to have two boxes of Huons Ascorbic Acid Inj. 500ml/2ml, five ampoules of Placentex, 23 ampoules of Lidocaine Hydrochloride Injection (VIWIT), eight ampoules of Lidocaine Hydrochloride Injection (Shanghai Xiandai Hasen Pharmaceutical Co. LTD.), 24 ampoules of Adrenaline Hydrochloride Injection, one box of Cindella Inj. I.V, one box of Liporase, a box of Luthione Inj. 1,200mg and one box of Vitamin C Inj., which violated Regulation 7(1)(a) of the Control of Drugs and Cosmetics Regulations 1984.

The offence was framed under Regulation 30(1) of the Control of Drugs and Cosmetics Regulations 1984 and punishable under Section 12(2) of Sale of Drugs Act 1952, which carries a maximum fine of RM50,000 on conviction.

The company’s representative requested for a lenient sentence because it was their first offence, adding that their income had dropped since the implementation of Movement Control Order.

The representative also told the court that the premises is still operating and promised not to repeat similar offence in the future as they felt remorseful for the offence.

Chief Assistant Director (enforcement) of the Pharmacy Department Mad Sapri Tumiran, prosecuting, submitted that the case involved public interest and applied for deterrent sentence to be imposed as a lesson to other traders.

Mad Sapri said the action was taken based on public complaints and reports from medical association regarding the unlawful activity.

He said the estimated total value of the seizure of the products was RM13,660.

Earlier, Mad Sapri submitted that most of the products were stored in the form of intravenous and intramuscular pharmaceuticals (meaning they are inserted directly into the bloodstream without going through any defence system in the body).

“This should only be done by trained medical practitioners because it involves a very dangerous infusion injection because infection can once directly enter into the body’s internal system, unlike tablet products.

“The worrying part is that the products were not registered… where it was manufactured and the origin of the product is not known. It may be packaged in an illegal factory and has no sterile facilities,” said Mad Sapri.

Submitting further, Mad Sapri said Ascorbic Acid Injection product, is an acid compound that can change the PH in the body, the condition can cause damage to internal organs, especially the kidneys (kidney stones).

“Lidocaine Injection was originally used as a painkiller but off-label use is used as an anti-wrinkle. It is seen that this is an abuse of indications that give the risk of nerve death (numbness) to the user.

“Adrenalin Injection, Adrenalin is used to increase blood pressure and pulse in the body system, abuse of adrenaline combined with lidocaine to turn off nerve endings just to tighten the skin is not appropriate because risk such as heart attack, asystole can happen.

“Liporase injection – Liporase used alone to destroy fat in the body is very dangerous because the rest of the fat compounds can flow in the body and cause stroke and death when it enters the smaller blood vessels,” said Mad Sapri.

“Another risk in general use of injection techniques - the entry of air bubble into the blood vessels, which may cause small blood vessel closures and can lead to stroke-like attacks.

“The risk of improper use of needles can also lead to blood clots in the body vessels causing blockage situations such as stroke,” he added.

Mad Sapri also told the court that the company’s income based on the report of the Companies Commission of Malaysia in 2018 was RM215,639.

“This is the result of the company’s business profit from this immoral activity. The company has also been in operation since 2012,” he said.

The court ordered all exhibits be returned to the prosecution for disposal.



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